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Main Page

1,551 bytes added, 13:04, 10 March 2018
Table of timelines
The "Creation month" refers to the month when the first round of work on a timeline was completed.
The "Number of rows" counts only rows in the "full timeline" section of the page.
The "Total payment" column below counts only task-specific payments. If the timeline was written under a stipend, the actual cost could be higher. Funding information is taken from [ Vipul Naik's contract work portal].
The "Monthly pageviews" comes from Google Analytics and reports the total pageviews from the past 30 (or possibly 31) days regardless of when a page was created. Once Issa learns how to work the Google Analytics API better, he will probably do something more interesting for this column. Note that these These pageviews do not necessarily exclude those views from logged in users of the worker writing the page (unless they explicitly block Google Analytics), which can dominate the pageviews especially for recent timelineswiki.
The "Monthly pageviews on Wikipedia" only applies to pages that were originally created on Wikipedia. Here the pageviews are calculated from at most 12 months of data (i.e. it is the last min{12, number of months since page creation} months worth of pageviews data) and is normalized to 30 days.
The table was last generated on 2018-03-10.
Do not manually edit this table. This table is produced using
an automated script. The script does not check for manual changes
to the table, so any changes you make will be overwritten the next
time the script runs. To make manual changes, the underlying CSV
file must be edited. For more information, see the script
repository at
If you want Issa to add a timeline to the table, you can do one of
four things:
1. Have the timeline appear at
and wait at least one month. Issa usually updates the table near the
start of each month. He will check the link above for new timelines
completed for that month. This method is the easiest as it requires
no work on your part. The downside is that only paid timelines will
appear there.
2. Create an issue at
containing a list of timelines you would like to be added.
You can see an example at
3. Leave a message at
containing a list of timelines you would like to be added.
4. Create a pull request at
with changes made to pages.csv. This method is trickier because
you will have to find the correct alphabetical location and also
add columns other than the timeline name.
{{User:Issa/Main page automated}}

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