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3,189 bytes added, 03:52, 16 April 2016
Synch from sandbox;
History of changes since last sync: 2015-12-12
local coins = {};
Makes a title for COinS from Title and / or ScriptTitle (or any other name-script pairs)
Apostrophe markup (bold, italics) is stripped from each value so that the COinS metadata isn't correupted corrupted with strings
of %27%27...
return title .. script; -- return the concatenation
--[[--------------------------< E S C A P E _ L U A _ M A G I C _ C H A R S >----------------------------------
Returns a string where all of lua's magic characters have been escaped. This is important because functions like
string.gsub() treat their pattern and replace strings as patterns, not literal strings.
local function escape_lua_magic_chars (argument)
argument = argument:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); -- replace % with %%
argument = argument:gsub("([%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1"); -- replace all other lua magic pattern characters
return argument;
pages = pages:gsub("&%w+;", "-" ); -- and replace html entities (&ndash; etc.) with hyphens; do we need to replace numerical entities like &#32; and the like?
return pages;
--[=[-------------------------< C O I N S _ R E P L A C E _ M A T H _ S T R I P M A R K E R >------------------
There are three options for math markup rendering that depend on the editor's math preference settings. These
settings are at [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering]] and are
PNG images
TeX source
MathML with SVG or PNG fallback
All three are heavy with html and css which doesn't belong in the metadata.
Without this function, the metadata saved in the raw wikitext contained the rendering determined by the settings
of the last editor to save the page.
This function gets the rendered form of an equation according to the editor's preference before the page is saved. It
then searches the rendering for the text equivalent of the rendered equation and replaces the rendering with that so
that the page is saved without extraneous html/css markup and with a reasonably readable text form of the equation.
When a replacement is made, this function returns true and the value with replacement; otherwise false and the intital
value. To replace multipe equations it is necesary to call this function from within a loop.
local function coins_replace_math_stripmarker (value)
local stripmarker = cfg.stripmarkers['math'];
local rendering = value:match (stripmarker); -- is there a math stripmarker
if not rendering then -- when value doesn't have a math stripmarker, abandon this test
return false, value;
rendering = mw.text.unstripNoWiki (rendering); -- convert stripmarker into rendered value (or nil? ''? when math render error)
if rendering:match ('alt="[^"]+"') then -- if PNG math option
rendering = rendering:match ('alt="([^"]+)"'); -- extract just the math text
elseif rendering:match ('$%s+.+%s+%$') then -- if TeX math option; $ is legit character that is escapes as \$
rendering = rendering:match ('$%s+(.+)%s+%$') -- extract just the math text
elseif rendering:match ('<annotation[^>]+>.+</annotation>') then -- if MathML math option
rendering = rendering:match ('<annotation[^>]+>(.+)</annotation>') -- extract just the math text
return false, value; -- had math stripmarker but not one of the three defined forms
return true, value:gsub (stripmarker, rendering, 1);
Cleanup parameter values for the metadata by removing or replacing invisible characters and certain html entities.
2015-12-10: there is a bug in mw.text.unstripNoWiki (). It replaced replaces math stripmarkers with the appropriate content
when it shouldn't. See and Wikipedia_talk:Lua#stripmarkers_and_mw.text.unstripNoWiki.28.29
TODO: move the replacement patterns and replacement values into a table in /Configuration similar to the invisible
characters table?
local function coins_cleanup (value)
local replaced = true; -- default state to get the do loop running
while replaced do -- loop until all math stripmarkers replaced
replaced, value = coins_replace_math_stripmarker (value); -- replace math stripmarker with text representation of the equation
value = value:gsub (cfg.stripmarkers['math'], "MATH RENDER ERROR"); -- one or more couldn't be replaced; insert vague error message
value = mw.text.unstripNoWiki (value); -- replace nowiki stripmarkers with their content
value = value:gsub ('<span class="nowrap" style="padding%-left:0%.1em;">&#39;(s?)</span>', "'s%1"); -- replace {{'s}} template with simple apostrophe-s value = value:gsub ('&zwj;\226\128\138\039\226\128\139', "'"); -- replace or {{'s}} with simple apostrophe value = value:gsub ('\226\128\138\039\226\128\139', "'"); -- replace {{'}} with simple or apostrophe (as of 2015-12-11)s
value = value:gsub ('&nbsp;', ' '); -- replace &nbsp; entity with plain space
value = value:gsub ('\226\128\138', ' '); -- replace hair space with plain space
value = value:gsub ('&zwj;', ''); -- remove &zwj; entities
value = value:gsub ('[\226\128\141\226\128\139\194\173]', '') -- remove zero-width joiner, zero-width space, soft hyphen value = value:gsub ('[\194\173\009\010\013]', ' '); -- replace soft hyphen, horizontal tab, line feed, carriage return with plain space
return value;
elseif 'conference' == class then -- cite conference when Periodical not set
OCinSoutput["rft.genre"] = "conference";
OCinSoutput["rft.atitle"] = data.Chapter; -- conference paper as chapter in proceedings (book)
elseif in_array (class, {'book', 'citation', 'encyclopaedia', 'interview', 'map'}) then
if is_set (data.Chapter) then
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