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Speculative timeline of future malaria events

184 bytes added, 09:22, 18 November 2019
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| 2030 || Eradication || {{w|Laos}} pledges to eliminate malaria by this year.<ref>{{cite web |title=U.S. PROVIDES 174,000 ADDITIONAL MOSQUITO NETS TO PREVENT MALARIA |url= | |accessdate=18 November 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=TOWARDS A MALARIA-FREE LAOS |url= | |accessdate=18 November 2019}}</ref> || {{w|Laos}} || Government of Laos || Project ||
| 2030 || Eradication || {{w| Indonesia }} aims to become malaria-free by this year.<ref name="West Java aims to be malaria-free by 2022"/> || {{w|Indonesia}} || {{w|Government of Indonesia}} || Project || 2008|-| 2030 || Eradication || {{w|Vietnam}} aims to eradicate malaria by this year.<ref name=""/> || {{w|Vietnam}} || Government of Vietnam || Project || April, 2019
| 2030 || Eradication || The {{w|Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria}} expects to meet the Sustainable Development Goals target of ending {{w|AIDS}}, {{w|tuberculosis}} and {{w|malaria}} as epidemics by that year.<ref name="The RBM Partnership to End Malaria leads global malaria community in celebrating successful Global Fund replenishment"/> || Worldwide || {{w|Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria}} || Project || October 10, 2019

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