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1,507 bytes added, 09:16, 13 April 2019
no edit summary
== Ready ==
* [[Timeline of Malaria Atlas Project]] * [[Timeline of cognitive behavioral therapy]]* [[Timeline of Schistosomiasis Control Initiative]]
* [[Timeline of GiveDirectly]] ( include information on GiveWell's 2017 and 2018 listing of GiveDirectly as top charity, and the corresponding Good Ventures grants)
* [[Timeline of Animal Equality]] (add in a row for the 2018 status of Animal Equality from Animal Charity Evaluators. Also, there should be rows for the donations from EA Funds and Open Philanthropy Project)
* [[Timeline of Malaria Atlas Project]] ( add events on:
1. The domain name registration for MAP (see for general guidance, and ask @Issa for more help)
2. When MAP put its various repositories on GitHub; see (@Issa can help you with this)
3. For the various other reports of MAP that are not directly related to malaria, it would also be interesting to see more information in the timeline row on their motivation for creating that report (e.g., why are they interested in sickle hemoglobin, or why are they interested in how far people are from cities). There are usually good reasons but these are not obvious to readers. 4. It would also be good to have more discussion of how MAP is used by other projects. For instance, maybe you can use a few examples of how GiveWell references the work of MAP in its evaluation of malaria-related interventions Similarly, you might want to see if other reporting on malaria by other parties cites MAP work)
* [[Timeline of cognitive behavioral therapy]] ( add some discussion of:
1. Reviews by Cochrane Collaboration, e.g.
2. Comparisons with other techniques for mind-calming and therapy)
* [[Timeline of Schistosomiasis Control Initiative]] (add a row for each of GiveWell's annual reviews/updates (you have most of them but not all)
* [[Timeline of pollution]]

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