
From Timelines
Revision as of 08:01, 20 June 2020 by Vipul (talk | contribs) (Returned with feedback)
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This is Sebastián Sánchez. I am Wikisanchez in both English and Spanish Wikipedia. I work for Vipul Naik as content creator. A diary with notes is being written in User:Sebastian/notes


Note: Read general policies related to payment for new and existing timelines [1]

New timeline

Remove from list when updated to contract work page [2] and [3].


Requested/accepted: Remove from list when updated to contract work page [4] and [5].

Other (not requested):

Outside Timelineswiki

  • Wikihow work (Vipul's complete list of pages: [6]):

Works on Subwiki

Note: Shown here to ease activity monitoring outside timelineswiki. Remove after some time. Note: Funding for these works hasn't been discussed, therefore this list is not presented for payment update.


Priority work from Vipul

By July 15, 2020

  • New timeline: Timeline of infection control; this timeline should cover ideas in infection control like qurantines, cordon sanitaire, social distancing, contact tracing, hand washing, etc. There will be some overlap with timeline of epidemiology but it will be much more focused on the practical steps involved with infection control, using pandemics and epidemics as illustrative cases for how good the practice is at any given time.

By August 15, 2020

By October 1, 2020

  • Timeline of vaccines: Expand, restructure, add columns and in particular make it a more useful timeline for people trying to understand vaccines in order to understand the prospects for a coronavirus vaccine.

By December 1, 2020

By February 1, 2021

By May 1, 2021

By September 1, 2021

Not ready

Moved out of priority work

  • Timeline of Neuralink (Agreed on March 1)
    • Sebastian: Cover staff
    • Sebastian: Add Wikipedia Views and Google Trends data.
    • Sebastian: Add a sample questions section.

Returned with feedback

  • Timeline of SpaceX
    • Vipul: I think the big picture should include a row for the period from 2001 to 2006.
    • Vipul: I suggest restructuring the big picture to have a single row for the 2017 to 2020 period, and then have a "Highlights by year" version of the big picture that has a summary row for each year. Currently the big picture starts off at multi-year granularity, and ends up at single-year granularity, which isn't ideal (I think).
    • Vipul: Can you add Wikipedia views and Google Trends? For Wikipedia Views, I'd like information not just for SpaceX Wikipedia page but also for Wikipedia pages related to SpaceX (I can guide more on this).
  • Timeline of search engine optimization
    • Vipul: I would like it if the initial rows with general background on new search engines till ~1995 (as well as some of the later search engine rows) were removed; there's a timeline timeline of web search engines for those that has pretty similar stuff. If there is information in the timeline of SEO that isn't there in the timeline of web search engines, it would be good to use that to enhance the timeline of web search engines. If you think specific rows are important to understanding SEO, you can keep them in timeline of SEO. I think the rows about Google algorithm updates are okay to keep in this timeline, even though they are also in timeline of Google Search, because I see that the ones you have included are ones with significant SEO implications, and you have explained the implications in the respective timeline row.
    • Vipul: There are two rows on the creation of BackRub, for 1996 and 1998. I think the 1998 one should be removed.
    • Vipul: See if you can provide more historical context/events around terminology and practice of keyword stuffing, link farms, cloaking, doorway pages, spamdexing, link building, as well as any other SEO concepts. Since many of these started in the late 1990s, there may not be good historical records for them. So it's okay to give a range of years during which we know the practice emerged, but they should get mentioned in the timeline.
    • Vipul: Maybe add more events around the launches of SEO websites, like


Pending expansion

Pending timeline

Other pending work:

To propose

Note: Vipul use ✘ for works you are not interested in (quicker than using strikes).

Subwiki projects

Subwiki purpose: "Mostly for in-depth exploration/understanding of specific topics, but still not in any sequence (so people can jump directly to a specific page)". Read this: [32]

  • Build summaries for organelles based on this model [33]
  • A table of plasmodia

Marking tools: Use ✔ ✘