Timeline of economic statistics

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This is a timeline of economic statistics.

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Year Month and date Event type Details Region based Region covered
1665 Willam Petty produces estimates of the income and expenditure, population, land, and other assets of England and Wales, in order to assess the country's resources to finance the Anglo-Dutch War through taxes. Based on these, he argues that more efficient use of the existing land, labor, and capital would allow England to outperform its competitors Holland and France. Petty also applies double-entry bookkeeping to keep national records.[1]:8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1695 Charles Davenant publishes An Essay upon the Ways and Means of Supplying the War, with estimates in the same spirit as those of Petty.[1]:8 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1749 Government statistics The Tabellverket (Office of Tables) is set up in Sweden. This is the predecessor to Statistics Sweden, Sweden's statistics agency that publishes economic statistics. It does include population estimates, not clear what other estimates it includes that relate to modern economic statistics. Sweden Sweden
1781 Jacques Necker, the French finance minister, delivers a compte rende au roi, or report to the king, on the strength of the French economy. This allows the king to raise new loans.[1]:8-9 France France
1858 Government statistics Statistics Sweden (Swedish: Statistiska centralbyrån, abbreviated SCB) is founded. The agency is responsible for publishing Sweden's economic statistics figures to this day. Sweden Sweden
1868 Government statistics The first version of what would become the Bureau of Statistics in Japan is created. This would undergo many restructurings and renamings till reaching close to its present structure in 1984. Japan Japan
1884 Government statistics The Bureau of Labor Statistics is founded. United States United States
1890 Principles Alfred Marshall's book Principles of Economics is published. In the book, Marshall firmly states, contra Adam Smith, that wealth consists of both material and non-material wealth (which would imply that both goods and services should be included in national accounting). The book would lead to the first phase of work on national income accounting.[1]:24[2] Three of Marshall's pupils would go on to lead instrumental work on national income accounting and economic statistics in the United Kingdom: Arthur Lyon Bowley, Alfred William Flux, and Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp.[2]
1895 Arthur Lyon Bowley ppublishes the first work in a series of works on national income accounting in the United Kingdom. This first work is Changes in Average Wages (Nominal and Real) in the United Kingdom Between 1860 and 1891 and is published by the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.[2]:337 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1899 Government statistics Statistics Netherlands, also known as the Dutch Central Bureau, wuth Dutch name Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) is founded. Netherlands Netherlands
1907 Government statistics A Census of Production is undertaken in the United Kingdom. In the "General Introduction" to the Final Report, Alfred William Flux summarizes the result and includes estimates of value added by industry. In the final section, called "Production, Consumption, and Income of the UK", Flux makes possibly the first estimate of the United Kingdom's national income that does not use the income approach.[2]:336 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1910 Bowley's An Elementary Manual of Statistics is published. The second part of the book details sources of official statistics and has a chapter on the calculation of national income.[2]:339 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1916 The Conference Board, a non-profit business membership and research group organization that would grow to span 60 countries, is formed to mediate relationships between business and labor. It would publish several widely tracked economic indicators, such as the Total Economy Database.
1918 Government statistics The division that would later be called the Statistics of Income (SOI) division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would start operating, under Dr. Edware White.[3] It would fulfill the mandate for publication of economic statistics created by the Revenue Act of 1916.[4] United States United States
1921 July Government statistics The Survey of Current Business, a monthly publication, starts. It would eventually be under the Bureau of Economic Analysis. United States United States
1930s Colin Clark, an economic statistician at Cambridge University, publishes extensively on the United Kingdom's economic statistics, and heralds the second phase of work on national income accounting. In 1930, Clark is appointed to provide statistics to the newly created National Economic Advisory Council, the first body ever created by the UK government to provide formal economic advice.[1]:25 His first major work is National Income 1924-31, published 1932. In addition to publishing data, Clark also lambasts the poor state of economic statistics, arguing for more standardization in industry classification and complaining about companies refusing to share profit information.[2]:343-346 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1930s Simon Kuznets develops the initial version of the United States national income accounts and GDP calculation. In 1932, Congress asks Kuznets to begin work in 1932.[5] In 1934, Kuznets presents his progress (report titled "National Income, 1929-32") and cautions against its overuse.[6] In 1937, Kuznets presents completed calculations in a report to the United States Congress titled "National Income, 1929-35." United States United States
1940 The book How to Pay for the War: A Radical Plan for the Chancellor of the Exchequer by John Maynard Keynes is published. In the vein of similar 17th century works, it seeks to find ways to finance and justify the costs of a war that the United Kingdom is involved in, with Keynes relying heavily on the numbers published by Colin Clark in the 1930s. The book includes national income calculations that would prove influential in postwar economic statistics.[2]:347-349 United Kingdom United Kingdom
1941 January 27 Government statistics A formal announcement is made to establish the Central Statistical Office for the United Kingdom. This would be responsible for collating and publishing economic statistics for the UK, and would be succeeded by the Office of National Statistics. United Kingdom United Kingdom
1944 At a three-way meeting between the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, Richard Stone (influenced by John Maynard Keynes), representing the UK delegation, pushes for the inclusion of government expenditure in GDP calculation, and his approach is accepted.[7]:33-35 Simon Kuznets, the main influence in United States GDP calculation, who is not in favor of Stone's method, is not present at the meeting to oppose Stone; the United States government officials, such as Milton Gilbert of the Commerce Department, are in favor of including government spending.[1]:27-28 The change is believed to be a factor in making governments turn to increasing government spending to boost measured GDP, including European governments under pressure to show growth as a result of the Marshall Plan as well as developing country governments in the 1950s and 1960s.[7]:33-35
1944 July 1–22 The Bretton Woods Conference is held, leading to the creation of the International Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and currency exchange standards. The use of GDP as a measure of a country's economic standing would be attributed to this conference.[8][6] United States Various
1946 Government statistics The Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) is founded. It is the successor to the National Statistics Service in Vichy France. It is responsible for publishing French national income accounts and GDP numbers. France France
1946 As part of the Marshall Plan, the United States government decides to tie aid to European countries to their progress in achieving GDP growth targets. To facilitate measurement of GDP, the US asks the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) to monitor spending and economic growth in Europe. The OEEC asks Richard Stone to establish an office in Cambridge to crunch numbers on its behalf.[7]:35 France, United Kingdom Europe
1947 The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is formed.
1947 The 1947 Report of the Sub-Committee on National Income Statistics of the League of Nations Committee of Statistical Experts under the leadership of Richard Stone is submitted.[9][10]
1948 Government statistics The Bureau of Statistics is founded.[11] The organization would undergo many reshuffles and renames and eventually become Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) on July 6, 2009.[11] South Korea South Korea
1951 May 2 Government statistics The Central Statistics Office (India), a government agency responsible for coordination of statistical activities in India, is set up in the cabinet secretariat. It is under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. India India
1952 August 7 Government statistics The National Bureau of Statistics in China is founded. China China
1953 July 3 Government statistics The Federal Statistics Office of Germany is founded. Germany Germany
1953 SNA The first version of the United Nations System of National Accounts is published. This version has six standard accounts and a set of 12 standard tables presenting detail and alternative classifications of the flows in the economy. It is meant to be widely applicable across countries, both developed and developing.[9][12]
1959 Eurostat is founded with its present name. Luxembourg Europe
1960 SNA The first update (and hence second version) of the United Nations System of National Accounts is published.[9][13]
1960s Maddison Angus Maddison begins his work on long-term economic growth.[14]:3 United States Various
1961 The Economics and Statistics Administration is founded. United States United States
1964 SNA The second revision, and hence third version, of the United Nations System of National Accounts is published.[9][15]
1968 SNA A major new version of the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) is published.[16]
1968 The International Comparison Program is established "as a joint venture of the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) and the International Comparisons Unit of the University of Pennsylvania with financial contributions from the Ford Foundation and the World Bank".[17] The ICP produces internationally comparable purchasing power parity estimates.[18]
1968 International comparison work for the System of National Accounts begins at the University of Pennsylvania. "Irving Kravis, a student of Kuznets, was the original leader of the work in developing procedures for utilizing prices collected in different countries." Alan Heston joins the project during this year.[19]
1970 ESA The first version of the European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (ESA), an internationally compatible accounting framework used for statistical reporting in the European Union, is created.[20] Europe Europe
1971 Robert Summers joins the System of National Accounts international comparison project at the University of Pennsylvania, which would later lead to the Penn World Table.[19]
1971 The first unclassified edition of The World Factbook by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United States is published. The Factbook includes economic statistics estimates such as GDP and GDP per capita estimates for all countries. United States Various
1971 Government statistics Statistics Canada, the agency that publishes statistics related to Canada's population, economy, society, and culture, is formed. Canada Canada
1972 January 1 The Bureau of Economic Analysis is established. United States United States
1978 PWT "Real GDP Per Capita for More Than One Hundred Countries" by Irving B. Kravis, Alan W. Heston, and Robert Summers is published. This is the paper that would lead to the Penn World Table data.[21][8][22]:178
1978 ESA A slightly modified version of the European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (ESA) is published. The original ESA was published in 1970.[20] Europe Europe
1983 The first Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) by the United States Federal Reserve Board of Governors, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, is conducted. Previously, some similar surveys were conducted by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and by the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan.[23] United States United States
1988 August 23 The Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act, signed into law August 23, leads to the creation of the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) whose goal is to serve as a central repository of all federal trade-related data. In 1994, this would be renamed STAT-USA and operate on a cost-recovery basis (i.e., no federal appropriations).[24] STAT-USA would cease operating in 2010 but its data continues to be available from other sources.[25] United States United States
1991 The Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) starts off as an electronic bulletin board.[26] United States  ?
1992 The Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC) is founded at the Economics Department of the University of Groningen.[27]
Early 1990s The Total Economy Database is first developed by the Groningen Growth and Development Centre at the University of Groningen. 2007, the database would be transferred from the University of Groningen to The Conference Board.[28]
1993 SNA A new version of the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) is published.[9] This is the version of the SNA to receive its own website.[29]
1993–1995 Barro and Lee's growth data set, titled "Data Set for a Panel of 138 Countries", is published.[30][31][32]
1995 ESA The European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA) is published. This is a major revision of the original 1970 European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (ESA) (somewhat modified 1978). The new ESA is fully compatible with the 1993 SNA, but somewhat more tuned to the circumstances and data needs of the European Union.[20] Europe Europe
1996 The first volume of the Handbook of National Accounting by the United Nations Statistics Division is published. The volume is titled Use of the System of National Accounts in Economies in Transition. Several more volumes of the handbook would be published, with the most recent one, as of 2014, being on Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the System of National Accounts.[33]
1996 WDI The first World Development Indicators is published.[34]:8 Prior to becoming a standalone publication, the World Development Indicators was published as an appendix to the World Development Report.[35][36]:180 (Note: A World Bank blog post from 2012 calls the WDI 2012 the 16th edition of the WDI, implying that the first edition is WDI 1997. The WDI 1996, if it exists, is difficult to locate because it was probably called just "WDI" without a year.)[37] Various
1997 March–April WDI The World Development Indicators 1997 is published.[38]
1998 March–April WDI The World Development Indicators 1998 is published.[39]
1999 March–April WDI The World Development Indicators 1999 is published.[40]
1999 May WDI Possibly the first version of the Little Data Book, "a pocket version of the World Development Indicators", is published.[41] Subsequently the Little Data Book would be published (almost?) annually along with the World Development Indicators.
2000 March–April WDI The World Development Indicators 2000 is published.[42][43][44]
2001 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2001 is published.[45][46]
2002 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2002 is published.[47][48][49] Various
2002 October PWT The Penn World Table version 6.1 is released. This version "includes 168 countries and territories, for the period 1950-2000, and uses 1996 as the reference year."[50] A "PWT6" was planned for release, but due to a combination of error correction and the arrival of new data, it was never released, so the major version begins with "6.1" rather than "6.0".[51]
2003 Maddison The World Economy: Historical Statistics by Angus Maddison is published by the OECD Development Centre.
2003 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2003 is published.[52][53] Various
2004 WDI The World Development Indicators 2004 is published.[54][55]
2005 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2005 is published.[56] Various
2006 April 22 WDI The World Development Indicators 2006 is published.[57][58][59] Various
2007 April 15 WDI The World Development Indicators 2007 is released.[60][61][62] Various
2008 SNA A 2008 update to the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) is published.[9][63]
2008 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2008 is published.[64] Various
2009–2010 The Clio Infra project launches sometime around this period.[65] The project aims "to bring together the data that are available for analyzing the development of the world economy in the period since 1500".[66]
2009 Maddison The final update of Angus Maddison's original dataset on economic growth and development takes place.[67] Subsequent updates would take place as part of the Maddison Project.
2009 April 1 WDI The World Development Indicators 2009 is published.[68] Various
2009 August 26 PWT The Penn World Table Twitter account is created.[69]
2010 January 12 Data quality report A report by the European Commission is critical of the quality of economic data coming from Greece.[70] The report comes after a number of sudden changes in government economic estimates, such as a 2006 GDP estimate increase of 25%[71] and a 2009 revision of the deficit:GDP ratio from 3.7% to 12.5%.[70][71] In 2011, research published by Rauch et al. would shown that Greece's economic data deviated furthest from Benford's law, indicating that it was most likely to have been manipulated.[71] Europe Greece
2010 March Maddison The Maddison Project launches.[72]
2010 December 20 The first Internet Archive snapshot of the website of the Centre for Global Economic History at Utrecht University is from this day.[73]
2010 April 20 WDI The World Development Indicators 2010 is released by the World Bank.[74] Various
2010 GDP re-basing Ghana's government revises its official GDP numbers upward by 60%. This leads to discussion among development economists and others about the reliability of GDP numbers, and is the impetus for Morten Jerven's work on the unreliabilty of GDP statistics in Africa.[75][76][77] Ghana Ghana
2011 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2011 is published.[78][79]
2011 June 3 PWT The Penn World Table 7.0 is published.[80] PWT 7.0 would be the final version produced at the University of Pennsylvania. The release notes for PWT 7.0 state: "After 2012 PWT will be jointly maintained by Robert Feenstra at UC-Davis, and Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar at the University of Groningen. There will be two identical websites with the identifiers, PWT at Davis and PWT at Groningen."[81]
2012 WDI The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository launches.[82]
2012 April 19 WDI The World Development Indicators 2012 is released.[37][83][84][85]
2013 April 18 WDI The World Development Indicators 2013 is released.[86][87][88][89][90] Various
2013 July 2 PWT The Penn World Table version 8.0 is published.[91][92] This is the first version that is published out of the University of California, Davis and the University of Groningen.[93]
2013 Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about It by Morten Jerven is published.
2014 April GDP re-basing Nigeria's government changes the way it calculates its GDP, re-basing to use current prices and market structure, thus giving more weight to Nollywood and mobile phone services that have grown a lot in recent years. This results in an 89% increase in the estimate for the GDP. With the new estimate, Nigeria leapfrogs South Africa as the biggest economy of Africa.[1]:vii[94][95][96] Nigeria Nigeria
2014 April–May WDI The World Development Indicators 2014 is released. "Some of the changes for 2014 include new indicators for severe wasting, disaggregated by sex; national estimates for labor force participation; ratios of employment to population; and unemployment."[97][98][99][100]
2015 January–March GDP re-basing Starting with the first quarter of 2015, India changes the way it calculates GDP. The changes shift focus from production to market prices for consumption, and also use 2011/12 as the base year for prices.[101][102][103] India India
2015 April 15 WDI The World Development Indicators 2015 is published. "Some of the new elements for 2015 include a two page MDG progress snapshot, which shows whether selected targets of the MDGs have been achieved; new indicators on Shared Prosperity, which shows that many countries have seen growth in income or consumption among the bottom 40 percent of the population in their welfare distribution; Statistical Capacity, which measures improvements in the strengths of national statistical systems; and Particulate Matter Concentrations which show that in many parts of the world, exposure to air pollution is increasing rapidly."[104][105][106][107]
2016 April 15 WDI The World Bank announces the release of the 2016 World Development Indicators on its blog. This edition includes 1,400 indicators for over 200 economies.[108] Various
2016 March 11 A government-commissioned independent review of United Kingdom economic statistics, chaired by economist Charlie Bean, publishes its final report.[109][5] The report identifies three broad types of problem with the use of GDP, as currently measured, to estimate economic levels and growth: complexity, productivity, and sustainability.[110] United Kingdom United Kingdom
2016 June 9 PWT The Penn World Table 9.0 is released.[111][112]
2017 April WDI The World Development Indicators 2017 is published.[113]

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by Issa Rice.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

What the timeline is still missing

  • Greece 2006 GDP massaging and subsequent investigation, see https://www.ft.com/content/171aaa36-d8f1-11e0-aff1-00144feabdc0 and Coyle (gdp-brief-history)
  • Nordhaus and Tobin 1972 work on including other things in GDP calculation like leisure, off-market work, etc. (from Wikipedia page on green GDP, go to citation)
  • History of Human Development Index, specifically 1990 publication of Human Development Reports by Mahbub ul Haq. Also maybe 1968 speech by Haq that challenged GDP.
  • More on green GDP
  • Some stuff on Chinese GDP figures and official processes and question marks around it
  • United States Census and United States Economic Census
  • Japan statistics and censuses starting 1721 (?)
  • some historical details of ICP at [1]
  • """Basic work on the need for purchasing power parities as currency conversion factors began with the seminal work of Gilbert and Kravis for the OEEC in 1954 and the subsequent work of Gilbert and Associates (1958). These two studies demonstrate the fact that there can be a considerable gap between the official exchange rates and purchasing power parities, and therefore the need for research on the computation of PPPs for different currencies. This has led to the eventual establishment of the International Comparison Project (ICP) at the University of Pennsylvania by Kravis, Heston, Summers and Kenessey. The work by Kravis et al. (1975 and 1978) was instrumental in establishing the procedures and guidelines for undertaking international comparisons. The report of Kravis, Heston and Summers (1982) on Phase III of the ICP, may be considered as a definitive account of the standard procedures of the ICP. The ICP had been upgraded subsequently from the status of a project to a program due to the increased coverage of more than 65 countries in Phase IV. The publication of the Handbook of the International Comparison Programme (UN, 1992), is another major source for the procedures recommended for use in international comparisons. There are several OECD publications, all with the title "Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures" (OECD 1987, 1996 and 1999), that deal with procedures underlying PPP computation. Similar publications are regularly published by Eurostat.""" [2]
  • Add some events of the period when exchange rates were used directly: "Before PPPs became available, exchange rates were used to make international comparisons of GDP." [3] (p4) It would be good to document what sort of comparison programs/tables were produced before PPPs took off.
  • SUSENAS (Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional i.e. National Social Economy Survey; Indonesia): cited in [4] (p28); [5] [6]

From Coyle:

  • 1942: First American GNP statistics are published.
  • Wesley J. Mitchell's statement about how GDP was critical to financing and justifying war efforts
  • 1941: Austin Robinson commissions Richard Stone and James Meade to publish national accounts and GDP for UK, numbers published in 1941
  • May 1946: First set of recommendations for UN statistics, a a meeting of the Committee of Statistical Experts at Hunter College in New York.
  • Reinforce references for Marshall Plan using GDP
  • Jan Tinbergen's work on GDP in the context of the Netherlands
  • PARIS21
  • 1996 Boskin Commission
  • 1969: Material Product System (MPS), like SNA except it only focuses on material production. Used by communist countries.
  • 1940: Colin Clark does the first work on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), a precursor to the International Comparison Project and the Penn World Table
  • 2007: World Bank cuts estimates of China's real GDP in PPP terms by 40% and does similar downgrading of other countries as a result of 2005 International Comparison Program survey

When were specific concepts introduced

  • Purchasing power parity (PPP)
  • International Geary-Khamis dollar
  • Chain-weighting
  • Laspeyres (?)
  • Penn effect and its cousins

Timeline update strategy

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Coyle, Diane. "GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History". Retrieved October 17, 2017. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Tily, Geoff (June 1, 2009). "John Maynard Keynes and the Development of National Accounts in Britan, 1895–1941". Review of Income and Wealth. 55 (2). Retrieved November 4, 2017. 
  3. "Statistics of Income: A Collection of Historical Articles" (PDF). Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  4. "SOI Tax Stats - Purpose and Function of Statistics of Income (SOI) Program". Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 "The trouble with GDP. Gross domestic product (GDP) is increasingly a poor measure of prosperity. It is not even a reliable gauge of production". The Economist. April 30, 2016. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Costanza, Robert; Hart, Maureen; Kubiszewski, Ida; Talberth, John. "A Short History of GDP: Moving Towards Better Measures of Human Well-being". 
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Great Invention: The Story of GDP and the Making and Unmaking of the Modern World. Retrieved October 16, 2017. 
  8. 8.0 8.1 Dickinson, Elizabeth (January 3, 2011). "GDP: a brief history. One stat to rule them all.". Foreign Policy. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 "Historic Versions of the System of National Accounts". United Nations. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  10. Stone, Richard. "Measurement of National Income and the Construction of Social Accounts: Report of the Sub-Committee on National Income Statistics of the League of Nations Committee of Statistical Experts" (PDF). Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 "History". Statistics Korea. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  12. "A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables" (PDF). United Nations. January 1, 1953. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  13. "A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables" (PDF). United Nations. January 1, 1960. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  14. Bolt, Jutta; van Zanden, Jan Luiten (January 2013). "The First Update of the Maddison Project Re-Estimating Growth Before 1820" (PDF). Retrieved October 3, 2017. 
  15. "A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables" (PDF). United Nations. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  16. "A System of National Accounts" (PDF). United Nations. January 1, 1968. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  17. "International Comparison Program - History". Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  18. "World Economic Outlook - Frequently Asked Questions". April 18, 2017. Retrieved October 5, 2017. The International Comparisons Program (ICP) is a global statistical initiative that produces internationally comparable Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) estimates. The PPP exchange rate estimates, maintained and published by the World Bank, the OECD, and other international organizations, are used by WEO to calculate its own PPP weight time series. Currently, WEO PPP exchange rates are based on the ICP’s 2011 report. 
  19. 19.0 19.1 "History of the Project". Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 "EUROPEAN SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS 1995 (ESA)". Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  21. Johnson, Simon; Subramanian, Arvind; Larson, Will; Papageorgiou, Chris (December 7, 2009). "Is newer better? The Penn World Table growth estimates". VOX, CEPR's Policy Portal. Retrieved October 3, 2017. 
  22. Klein, Lawrence (Summer 1993). "Irving B. Kravis: Memoir of a Distinguished Fellow". Journal of Economic Perspectives. 7 (3). Retrieved October 19, 2017. 
  23. "Survey of Consumer Finances, 1983" (PDF). Federal Reserve. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  24. "About Us". STAT-USA. Retrieved November 13, 2017. 
  25. "Free Statistics in Former Stat-USA". UTSA Libraries. Retrieved November 14, 2017. 
  26. "The History of FRED". Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. November 6, 2014. Retrieved October 16, 2017. 
  27. "About the GGDC". University of Groningen. June 14, 2017. Archived from the original on October 5, 2017. Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  28. "About Total Economy Database™". The Conference Board. Archived from the original on October 5, 2017. Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  29. "System of National Accounts 1993 - 1993 SNA". United Nations. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  30. "Data Set for a Panel of 138 Countries". September 29, 1994. Archived from the original on October 6, 2017. Retrieved October 6, 2017. 
  31. "Growth data sets". Archived from the original on October 6, 2017. Retrieved October 6, 2017. Barro-Lee (1993) growth data set 
  32. "Economic Growth Resources". Archived from the original on October 6, 2017. Retrieved October 6, 2017. This page gives instructions on how to obtain the cross-country data set used in the 1995 book by Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Economic Growth. 
  33. "National Accounts Publications". United Nations Statistics Division. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  34. "Behind the Scenes of World Bank Data" (PDF). Retrieved October 3, 2017. First free standing publication in 1996 
  35. "World Development Indicators 1997" (PDF). International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank. March 1997. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  36. "World Development Report 1996: From Plan to Market". 1996. Retrieved October 3, 2017. A new, freestanding, and more comprehensive World Development Indicators will appear in the autumn of 1996. The traditional annex to the World Development Report is being replaced in this edition by a set of Selected World Development Indicators drawn from the WDI data sets. 
  37. 37.0 37.1 "World Development Indicators 2012 now available". The Data Blog. April 19, 2012. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  38. "World development indicators 1997 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  39. "World development indicators 1998 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  40. "World development indicators 1999 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  41. "The little data book 1999 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  42. "World Development Indicators 2000: Default Book Series". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  43. "World development indicators 2000 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  44. "World Development Indicators 2000". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  45. "World Development Indicators 2001: Default Book Series". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  46. "World development indicators 2001 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  47. "World Development Indicators 2002: World Development Indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  48. "World development indicators 2002 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  49. "World Development Indicators 2002". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  50. "PWT 6.1 | PWT earlier releases | Penn World Table | Productivity | Productivity | University of Groningen". Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  51. "What is Different, What is New?" (PDF). February 21, 2003. Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
  52. "World Development Indicators 2003: World Development Indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  53. "World development indicators 2003 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  54. "World Development Indicators 2004". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  55. "World development indicators 2004 (English)". The World Bank. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  56. "World Development Indicators 2005: World Development Indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  57. "News & Broadcast - World Bank Data Show Growth Rates Converging Among Developing Regions". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  58. Ignacio Hernandez (May 3, 2006). "World Development Indicators 2006". Growth and Crisis. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  59. "World Development Indicators 2006". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  60. "News & Broadcast - Poverty Drops Below 1 Billion, says World Bank". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  61. Ignacio Hernandez (April 16, 2007). "World Development Indicators 2007". Growth and Crisis. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  62. "World Development Indicators 2007: World Development Indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  63. "System of National Accounts 2008 - 2008 SNA". United Nations. Retrieved October 15, 2017. 
  64. "World Development Indicators 2008: World Development Indicators". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  65. "Main Page - Clio Infrastructure". Retrieved October 3, 2017. This page was last modified 09:28, 31 August 2009. 
  66. "Clio Infra - Research Infrastructure for the study of Global Inequality". Centre for Global Economic History - Utrecht, the Netherlands. Retrieved October 3, 2017. 
  67. "Original Maddison Homepage". Retrieved October 3, 2017. 
  68. "World Development Indicators 2009". Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
  69. "Penn World Table (@PennWorldTable)". Twitter. Retrieved October 4, 2017. 
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  111. "Penn World Table on Twitter". Twitter. Retrieved October 5, 2017. PWT version 9.0 has just been released with data for 182 countries from 1950-2014. Find this new version at http://www.rug.nl/research/ggdc/data/pwt/pwt-9.0 
  112. Robert Inklaar (June 9, 2016). "PWT 9.0 has been released | GGDC | Groningen Growth and Development Centre | University of Groningen". Archived from the original on October 5, 2017. Retrieved October 5, 2017. 
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