Timeline of web vitals
From Timelines
This is a timeline of web vitals, a set of metrics championed by Google that relate to how well web pages load. Of particular interest are three metrics Google calls core web vitals, that are used to inform a "page experience" score that affects search ranking on mobile devices.
Full timeline
Year | Month and date (if available) | Event type | Type of tool | Aspect of performance | Type of measurement (field data (from real users) or Lab data (from a bot)?) | Event |
2010 | New product | Public diagnostic tool, optimization software | Loading speed | Lab data | Google introduces Google PageSpeed Tools, a suite of tools to help websites understand and improve the speed of their webpages. One of these tools, PageSpeed Insights, would later be a key place where web vitals could be checked for any url.[1] | |
2016 | Code commit | Publilc diagnostic tool | All | Lab data | The first code commit to the Google Lighthouse GitHub repository is on this date.[2] | |
2016 | Release | Public diagnostic tool | All | Lab data | The Lighthouse v1.0.3 tag is created, suggesting the official release of Lighthouse 1.0.[3] | |
2020 | May 28 | Announcement | Search algorithm update | All | Field data | Google announces that at some point in the future, it will start using "page experience" as a ranking factor in search. The page experience signal combines core web vitals, mobile usability, security issues, whether the site is HTTPS, and no intrusive intersitials.[4][5] |
2020 | November 10 | Announcement | Search algorithm update | All | Field data | Google announces that it will start using "page experience" as a ranking factor for mobile searches starting May 2021. The page experience signal combines core web vitals, mobile usability, security issues, whether the site is HTTPS, and no intrusive interstitials.[6][7] |
2021 | April 7 | Announcement | Metric definition update | Visual stability (CLS) | Field data, Lab data | Google announces a planned update to the calculation of Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) to be fairer to long-lived pages. The update changes the definition of CLS to look at the largest CLS over 5-second windows with a 1-second gap. The rollout of this definition update would happen in June.[8] |
2021 | April 19 | Release | Private diagnostic tool | All | Field data | A new section called "Page experience on mobile" is added to Google Search Console (where people can access this data for their own sites only). This is restriced to mobile searches; it reports on the percentage of urls and number of search impressions that have "good page experience" i.e., that perform well on core web vitals, mobile usability, security issues, whether the site is HTTPS, and ads experience.[9] |
2021 | April 19 | Announcement | Search algorithm update | All | Field data | Google announces an updated timeline of mid-June to August for its rollout of page experience as a ranking factor for mobile searches. The previous announced rollout time was May 2021; the time extension is allegedly to give websites more time to prepare.[10] |
2021 | June 1 – 2, some changes a little later in June | Release | Metric definition update | Visual stability (CLS) | Field data, Lab data | Google updates its field data tools including the Chrome User Experience (CrUX) report, PageSpeed Insights, and Google Search Console, to use an updated definition of Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) that looks at the largest CLS over 5-second windows with a 1-second gap. The planned change itself had been announced back in April, but it had not yet been reflected in the tools Google used to report on field data, as well as in Google's Lighthouse tool available on PageSpeed Insights and in Chrome Developer Tools (canary channel only, so not part of officially released Chrome yet).ref>Osmani, Addy; Sweeny, Elizabeth (June 2, 2021). "Evolving Cumulative Layout Shift in web tooling". Google. Retrieved June 19, 2021.</ref>[11]<[12] |
2021 | early June | Release | Metric definition update | Loading speed (LCP) | Field data (maybe also Lab data?) | Some changes are made to LCP calculations at around the same time.[13] |
2021 | June 15 – end of August | Release | Search algorithm update | All | Field data | The rollout of Google's "page experience on mobile" update happens during this period. The update is limited to mobile searches, and gives weight to a "page experience" factor that includes performance on core web vitals, mobile usability, security issues, whether the site is HTTPS, and ads experience.[14][15] |
- ↑ Ram, Ramani (2011-07-29). "Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered". googlecode.blogspot.com/. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ↑ Lewis, Paul. "Adds tests.".
- ↑ Irish, Paul (June 30, 2016). "Lighthouse v1.0.3". Retrieved June 18, 2021.
- ↑ "Evaluating page experience for a better web". Google Search Central. May 28, 2020. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (May 28, 2020). "The Google Page Experience Update: User experience to become a Google ranking factor. Core Web Vitals metrics will start to impact rankings in 2021. Here is what you need to know.". Search Engine Land. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ "Timing for bringing page experience to Google Search". Google Search Central. November 10, 2020. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (November 10, 2020). "Google Page Experience Update to launch May 2021 with new labels in search results. Google will highlight search results that have a great page experience.". Search Engine Land. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Sullivan, Annie; Song, Hongbo (April 7, 2021). "Evolving the CLS metric. Plans for improving the CLS metric to be more fair to long-lived pages.". Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (April 19, 2021). "Google Search Console adds Page Experience report and filters for Search Performance report. These new reports give us more information to prepare for the new timeline for the page experience update rollout.". Search Engine Land. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (April 19, 2021). "Google postpones page experience update rollout. The page experience update will now gradually rollout in mid-June and won't be fully live until the end of August.". Search Engine Land. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ "Data anomalies in Search Console". June 1, 2021. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (June 2, 2021). "Updated Cumulative Layout Shift Metric Is Live In Google Search Console". Search Engine Roundtable. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ "How big and fast was this Google June 2021 core update?; Wednesday's daily brief. Google cuts short names from Google My Business". June 9, 2021. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
- ↑ "The page experience update is now slowly rolling out (Top Stories will begin using this new signal by Thursday). It will be complete by the end of August 2021.". June 15, 2021. Retrieved June 18, 2021.
- ↑ Schwartz, Barry (June 15, 2021). "Google page experience update now slowly rolling out. Top stories will stop using AMP as an eligibility factor starting Thursday.". Search Engine Land. Retrieved June 18, 2021.