Timeline of Center for Security and Emerging Technology

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This is a timeline of the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET).

Sample questions

This section provides some sample questions for readers who may not have a clear goal when browsing the timeline. It serves as a guide to help readers approach the page with more purpose and understand the timeline’s significance.

Here are some interesting questions this timeline can answer:

What are CSET's main research focuses since its inception? Which key reports and publications have been released by CSET that shape policy discussions on emerging technology? Who are the core research staff and leaders driving CSET’s initiatives? How has CSET contributed to policy recommendations related to AI and national security? What collaborations and partnerships has CSET formed to advance its mission? For more information on evaluating the timeline's coverage, see Representativeness of events in timelines.

Big picture

Full timeline

Here are the inclusion criteria for various event types:

  • For "Publication", the intention is to include the most notable publications. This usually means that if a publication has been featured by FHI itself or has been discussed by some outside sources, it is included. There are too many publications to include all of them.
  • For "Website", the intention is to include all websites associated with FHI. There are not that many such websites, so this is doable.
  • For "Staff", the intention is to include all Research Fellows and leadership positions (so far, Nick Bostrom has been the only director so not much to record here).
  • For "Workshop" and "Conference", the intention is to include all events organized or hosted by FHI, but not events where FHI staff only attended or only helped with organizing.
  • For "Internal review", the intention is to include all annual review documents.
  • For "External review", the intention is to include all reviews that seem substantive (judged by intuition). For mainstream media articles, only ones that treat FHI/Bostrom at length are included.
  • For "Financial", the intention is to include all substantial (say, over $10,000) donations, including aggregated donations and donations of unknown amounts.
  • For "Nick Bostrom", the intention is to include events sufficient to give a rough overview of Bostrom's development prior to the founding of FHI.
  • For "Social media", the intention is to include all social media account creations (where the date is known) and Reddit AMAs.
  • Events about FHI staff giving policy advice (to e.g. government bodies) are not included, as there are many such events and it is difficult to tell which ones are more important.
  • For "Project Announcement" or "Intiatives", the intention is to include announcements of major initiatives and research programs launched by FHI, especially those aimed at training researchers or advancing existential risk mitigation.
  • For "Collaboration", the intention is to include significant collaborations with other institutions where FHI co-authored reports, conducted joint research, or played a major role in advising.
Time period Development summary More details

Numerical and visual data

Google Scholar

The following table summarizes per-year mentions on Google Scholar as of

Google Trends

Google Ngram Viewer

Wikipedia pageviews for CSET page

External links


Year Month and date Event type Details