Module:Protection banner
From Timelines
Revision as of 15:33, 17 July 2014 by Mr. Stradivarius (talk) (log keys in Protection:makeProtectionCategory for now, to help with writing the test cases)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Protection banner/doc
-- This module implements {{pp-meta}} and its daughter templates such as -- {{pp-dispute}}, {{pp-vandalism}} and {{pp-sock}}. -- Initialise necessary modules. require('Module:No globals') local class = require('Module:Middleclass').class local newFileLink = require('Module:File link').new local effectiveProtectionLevel = require('Module:Effective protection level')._main local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -- Lazily initialise modules and objects we don't always need. local getArgs, makeMessageBox, lang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function makeCategoryLink(cat) if cat then return string.format( '[[%s:%s]]',[14].name, cat ) else return '' end end -- Validation function for the expiry and the protection date local function validateDate(dateString, dateType) lang = lang or mw.language.getContentLanguage() local success, result = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', dateString) if success then result = tonumber(result) if result then return result end end error(string.format( 'invalid %s ("%s")', dateType, tostring(dateString) ), 0) end local function makeFullUrl(page, query, display) return string.format( '[%s %s]', tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(page, query)), display ) end local function toTableEnd(t, pos) -- Sends the value at position pos to the end of array t, and shifts the -- other items down accordingly. return table.insert(t, table.remove(t, pos)) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Protection = class('Protection') Protection.supportedActions = { edit = true, move = true, autoreview = true } Protection.bannerConfigFields = { 'text', 'explanation', 'tooltip', 'alt', 'link', 'image' } function Protection:initialize(args, cfg, title) self._cfg = cfg self.title = title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- Set action if not args.action then self.action = 'edit' elseif self.supportedActions[args.action] then self.action = args.action else error(string.format( 'invalid action ("%s")', tostring(args.action) ), 0) end -- Set level self.level = effectiveProtectionLevel(self.action, self.title) if self.level == 'accountcreator' then -- Lump titleblacklisted pages in with template-protected pages, -- since templateeditors can do both. self.level = 'templateeditor' elseif not self.level or (self.action == 'move' and self.level == 'autoconfirmed') then -- Users need to be autoconfirmed to move pages anyway, so treat -- semi-move-protected pages as unprotected. self.level = '*' end -- Set expiry if args.expiry then if cfg.indefStrings[args.expiry] then self.expiry = 'indef' elseif type(args.expiry) == 'number' then self.expiry = args.expiry else self.expiry = validateDate(args.expiry, 'expiry date') end end -- Set reason if args[1] then self.reason = mw.ustring.lower(args[1]) if self.reason:find('|') then error('reasons cannot contain the pipe character ("|")', 0) end end -- Set protection date if then self.protectionDate = validateDate(, 'protection date') end -- Set banner config do self.bannerConfig = {} local configTables = {} if cfg.banners[self.action] then configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.banners[self.action][self.reason] end if cfg.defaultBanners[self.action] then configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.defaultBanners[self.action][self.level] configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.defaultBanners[self.action].default end configTables[#configTables + 1] = cfg.masterBanner for i, field in ipairs(self.bannerConfigFields) do for j, t in ipairs(configTables) do if t[field] then self.bannerConfig[field] = t[field] break end end end end end function Protection:isProtected() return self.level ~= '*' end function Protection:makeProtectionCategory() local cfg = self._cfg local title = self.title -- Exit if the page is not protected. if not self:isProtected() then return '' end -- Get the expiry key fragment. local expiryFragment if self.expiry == 'indef' then expiryFragment = self.expiry elseif type(self.expiry) == 'number' then expiryFragment = 'temp' end -- Get the namespace key fragment. local namespaceFragment do namespaceFragment = cfg.categoryNamespaceKeys[title.namespace] if not namespaceFragment and title.namespace % 2 == 1 then namespaceFragment = 'talk' end end -- Define the order that key fragments are tested in. This is done with an -- array of tables containing the value to be tested, along with its -- position in the cfg.protectionCategories table. local order = { {val = expiryFragment, keypos = 1}, {val = namespaceFragment, keypos = 2}, {val = self.reason, keypos = 3}, {val = self.level, keypos = 4}, {val = self.action, keypos = 5} } --[[ -- The old protection templates used an ad-hoc protection category system, -- with some templates prioritising namespaces in their categories, and -- others prioritising the protection reason. To emulate this in this module -- we use the config table cfg.reasonsWithNamespacePriority to set the -- reasons for which namespaces have priority over protection reason. -- If we are dealing with one of those reasons, move the namespace table to -- the end of the order table, i.e. give it highest priority. If not, the -- reason should have highest priority, so move that to the end of the table -- instead. --]] if self.reason and cfg.reasonsWithNamespacePriority[self.reason] then -- table.insert(order, 3, table.remove(order, 2)) toTableEnd(order, 2) else toTableEnd(order, 3) end --[[ -- Define the attempt order. Inactive subtables (subtables with nil "value" -- fields) are moved to the end, where they will later be given the key -- "all". This is to cut down on the number of table lookups in -- cfg.protectionCategories, which grows exponentially with the number of -- non-nil keys. We keep track of the number of active subtables with the -- noActive parameter. --]] local noActive, attemptOrder do local active, inactive = {}, {} for i, t in ipairs(order) do if t.val then active[#active + 1] = t else inactive[#inactive + 1] = t end end noActive = #active attemptOrder = active for i, t in ipairs(inactive) do attemptOrder[#attemptOrder + 1] = t end end --[[ -- Check increasingly generic key combinations until we find a match. If a -- specific category exists for the combination of key fragments we are -- given, that match will be found first. If not, we keep trying different -- key fragment combinations until we match using the key -- "all-all-all-all-all". -- -- To generate the keys, we index the key subtables using a binary matrix -- with indexes i and j. j is only calculated up to the number of active -- subtables. For example, if there were three active subtables, the matrix -- would look like this, with 0 corresponding to the key fragment "all", and -- 1 corresponding to other key fragments. -- -- j 1 2 3 -- i -- 1 1 1 1 -- 2 0 1 1 -- 3 1 0 1 -- 4 0 0 1 -- 5 1 1 0 -- 6 0 1 0 -- 7 1 0 0 -- 8 0 0 0 -- -- Values of j higher than the number of active subtables are set -- to the string "all". -- -- A key for cfg.protectionCategories is constructed for each value of i. -- The position of the value in the key is determined by the keypos field in -- each subtable. --]] local cats = cfg.protectionCategories for i = 1, 2^noActive do local key = {} for j, t in ipairs(attemptOrder) do if j > noActive then key[t.keypos] = 'all' else local quotient = i / 2 ^ (j - 1) quotient = math.ceil(quotient) if quotient % 2 == 1 then key[t.keypos] = t.val else key[t.keypos] = 'all' end end end key = table.concat(key, '|') mw.log(key) local attempt = cats[key] if attempt then return makeCategoryLink(attempt) end end return '' end function Protection:needsExpiry() local cfg = self._cfg return not self.expiry and cfg.expiryCheckActions[self.action] and self.reason -- the old {{pp-protected}} didn't check for expiry and not cfg.reasonsWithoutExpiryCheck[self.reason] end function Protection:isIncorrect() local expiry = self.expiry return not self:isProtected() or type(expiry) == 'number' and expiry < os.time() end function Protection:isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate() local action, namespace = self.action, self.title.namespace return self.level == 'templateeditor' and ( (action ~= 'edit' and action ~= 'move') or (namespace ~= 10 and namespace ~= 828) ) end function Protection:makeCategoryLinks() local msg = self._cfg.msg local ret = { self:makeProtectionCategory() } if self:needsExpiry() then ret[#ret + 1] = makeCategoryLink(msg['tracking-category-expiry']) end if self:isIncorrect() then ret[#ret + 1] = makeCategoryLink(msg['tracking-category-incorrect']) end if self:isTemplateProtectedNonTemplate() then ret[#ret + 1] = makeCategoryLink(msg['tracking-category-template']) end return table.concat(ret) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Blurb class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Blurb = class('Blurb') Blurb.bannerTextFields = { text = true, explanation = true, tooltip = true, alt = true, link = true } function Blurb:initialize(protectionObj, args, cfg) self._cfg = cfg self._protectionObj = protectionObj self._args = args end -- Private methods -- function Blurb:_formatDate(num) -- Formats a Unix timestamp into dd Month, YYYY format. lang = lang or mw.language.getContentLanguage() local success, date = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, self._cfg.msg['expiry-date-format'] or 'j F Y', '@' .. tostring(num) ) if success then return date end end function Blurb:_getExpandedMessage(msgKey) return self:_substituteParameters(self._cfg.msg[msgKey]) end function Blurb:_substituteParameters(msg) if not self._params then local parameterFuncs = {} parameterFuncs.CURRENTVERSION = self._makeCurrentVersionParameter parameterFuncs.DISPUTEBLURB = self._makeDisputeBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.DISPUTESECTION = self._makeDisputeSectionParameter parameterFuncs.EDITREQUEST = self._makeEditRequestParameter parameterFuncs.EXPIRY = self._makeExpiryParameter parameterFuncs.EXPLANATIONBLURB = self._makeExplanationBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.IMAGELINK = self._makeImageLinkParameter parameterFuncs.INTROBLURB = self._makeIntroBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.OFFICEBLURB = self._makeOfficeBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.PAGETYPE = self._makePagetypeParameter parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONBLURB = self._makeProtectionBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONDATE = self._makeProtectionDateParameter parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONLEVEL = self._makeProtectionLevelParameter parameterFuncs.PROTECTIONLOG = self._makeProtectionLogParameter parameterFuncs.RESETBLURB = self._makeResetBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.TALKPAGE = self._makeTalkPageParameter parameterFuncs.TOOLTIPBLURB = self._makeTooltipBlurbParameter parameterFuncs.VANDAL = self._makeVandalTemplateParameter self._params = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) local param if parameterFuncs[k] then param = parameterFuncs[k](self) end param = param or '' t[k] = param return param end }) end msg = msg:gsub('${(%u+)}', self._params) return msg end function Blurb:_makeCurrentVersionParameter() -- A link to the page history or the move log, depending on the kind of -- protection. local pagename = self._protectionObj.title.prefixedText if self._protectionObj.action == 'move' then -- We need the move log link. return makeFullUrl( 'Special:Log', {type = 'move', page = pagename}, self:_getExpandedMessage('current-version-move-display') ) else -- We need the history link. return makeFullUrl( pagename, {action = 'history'}, self:_getExpandedMessage('current-version-edit-display') ) end end function Blurb:_makeEditRequestParameter() local mEditRequest = require('Module:Submit an edit request') local action = self._protectionObj.action local level = self._protectionObj.level -- Get the display message key. local key if action == 'edit' and level == 'autoconfirmed' then key = 'edit-request-semi-display' else key = 'edit-request-full-display' end local display = self:_getExpandedMessage(key) -- Get the edit request type. local requestType if action == 'edit' then if level == 'autoconfirmed' then requestType = 'semi' elseif level == 'templateeditor' then requestType = 'template' end end requestType = requestType or 'full' return mEditRequest.exportLinkToLua{type = requestType, display = display} end function Blurb:_makeExpiryParameter() local expiry = self._protectionObj.expiry if type(expiry) == 'number' then return self:_formatDate(expiry) else return expiry end end function Blurb:_makeExplanationBlurbParameter() -- Cover special cases first. if self._protectionObj.title.namespace == 8 then -- MediaWiki namespace return self:_getExpandedMessage('explanation-blurb-nounprotect') end -- Get explanation blurb table keys local action = self._protectionObj.action local level = self._protectionObj.level local talkKey = self._protectionObj.title.isTalkPage and 'talk' or 'subject' -- Find the message in the explanation blurb table and substitute any -- parameters. local explanations = self._cfg.explanationBlurbs local msg if explanations[action][level] and explanations[action][level][talkKey] then msg = explanations[action][level][talkKey] elseif explanations[action][level] and explanations[action][level].default then msg = explanations[action][level].default elseif explanations[action].default and explanations[action].default[talkKey] then msg = explanations[action].default[talkKey] elseif explanations[action].default and explanations[action].default.default then msg = explanations[action].default.default else error(string.format( 'could not find explanation blurb for action "%s", level "%s" and talk key "%s"', action, level, talkKey )) end return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end function Blurb:_makeImageLinkParameter() local imageLinks = self._cfg.imageLinks local action = self._protectionObj.action local level = self._protectionObj.level local msg if imageLinks[action][level] then msg = imageLinks[action][level] elseif imageLinks[action].default then msg = imageLinks[action].default else msg = imageLinks.edit.default end return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end function Blurb:_makeIntroBlurbParameter() if type(self._protectionObj.expiry) == 'number' then return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-blurb-expiry') else return self:_getExpandedMessage('intro-blurb-noexpiry') end end function Blurb:_makePagetypeParameter() local pagetypes = self._cfg.pagetypes return pagetypes[self._protectionObj.title.namespace] or pagetypes.default or error('no default pagetype defined') end function Blurb:_makeProtectionBlurbParameter() local protectionBlurbs = self._cfg.protectionBlurbs local action = self._protectionObj.action local level = self._protectionObj.level local msg if protectionBlurbs[action][level] then msg = protectionBlurbs[action][level] elseif protectionBlurbs[action].default then msg = protectionBlurbs[action].default elseif protectionBlurbs.edit.default then msg = protectionBlurbs.edit.default else error('no protection blurb defined for protectionBlurbs.edit.default') end return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end function Blurb:_makeProtectionDateParameter() local protectionDate = self._protectionObj.protectionDate if type(protectionDate) == 'number' then return self:_formatDate(protectionDate) else return protectionDate end end function Blurb:_makeProtectionLevelParameter() local protectionLevels = self._cfg.protectionLevels local action = self._protectionObj.action local level = self._protectionObj.level local msg if protectionLevels[action][level] then msg = protectionLevels[action][level] elseif protectionLevels[action].default then msg = protectionLevels[action].default elseif protectionLevels.edit.default then msg = protectionLevels.edit.default else error('no protection level defined for protectionLevels.edit.default') end return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end function Blurb:_makeProtectionLogParameter() local pagename = self._protectionObj.title.prefixedText if self._protectionObj.action == 'autoreview' then -- We need the pending changes log. return makeFullUrl( 'Special:Log', {type = 'stable', page = pagename}, self:_getExpandedMessage('pc-log-display') ) else -- We need the protection log. return makeFullUrl( 'Special:Log', {type = 'protect', page = pagename}, self:_getExpandedMessage('protection-log-display') ) end end function Blurb:_makeTalkPageParameter() return string.format( '[[%s:%s#%s|%s]]',[self._protectionObj.title.namespace], self._protectionObj.title.text, self._args.section or 'top', self:_getExpandedMessage('talk-page-link-display') ) end function Blurb:_makeTooltipBlurbParameter() if type(self._protectionObj.expiry) == 'number' then return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-blurb-expiry') else return self:_getExpandedMessage('tooltip-blurb-noexpiry') end end function Blurb:_makeVandalTemplateParameter() return require('Module:Vandal-m')._main{ self._args.user or self._protectionObj.title.baseText } end -- Public methods -- function Blurb:makeBannerText(key) -- Validate input. if not key or not Blurb.bannerTextFields[key] then error(string.format( '"%s" is not a valid banner config field', tostring(key) ), 2) end -- Generate the text. local msg = self._protectionObj.bannerConfig[key] if type(msg) == 'string' then return self:_substituteParameters(msg) elseif type(msg) == 'function' then msg = msg(self._protectionObj, self._args) if type(msg) ~= 'string' then error(string.format( 'bad output from banner config function with key "%s"' .. ' (expected string, got %s)', tostring(key), type(msg) )) end return self:_substituteParameters(msg) end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BannerTemplate class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local BannerTemplate = class('BannerTemplate') function BannerTemplate:initialize(protectionObj, cfg) self._cfg = cfg -- Set the image filename. local imageFilename = protectionObj.bannerConfig.image if imageFilename then self._imageFilename = imageFilename else -- If an image filename isn't specified explicitly in the banner config, -- generate it from the protection status and the namespace. local action = protectionObj.action local level = protectionObj.level local expiry = protectionObj.expiry local namespace = protectionObj.title.namespace -- Deal with special cases first. if (namespace == 10 or namespace == 828) and action == 'edit' and level == 'sysop' and not expiry then -- Fully protected modules and templates get the special red "indef" -- padlock. self._imageFilename = self._cfg.msg['image-filename-indef'] else -- Deal with regular protection types. local images = self._cfg.images if images[action] then if images[action][level] then self._imageFilename = images[action][level] elseif images[action].default then self._imageFilename = images[action].default end end end end end function BannerTemplate:setImageWidth(width) self._imageWidth = width end function BannerTemplate:setImageTooltip(tooltip) self._imageCaption = tooltip end function BannerTemplate:renderImage() local filename = self._imageFilename or self._cfg.msg['image-filename-default'] or 'Transparent.gif' return newFileLink(filename) :width(self._imageWidth or 20) :alt(self._imageAlt) :link(self._imageLink) :caption(self._imageCaption) :render() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Banner class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Banner = BannerTemplate:subclass('Banner') function Banner:initialize(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg) BannerTemplate.initialize(self, protectionObj, cfg) -- This doesn't need the blurb. self:setImageWidth(40) self:setImageTooltip(blurbObj:makeBannerText('alt')) -- Large banners use the alt text for the tooltip. self._reasonText = blurbObj:makeBannerText('text') self._explanationText = blurbObj:makeBannerText('explanation') self._page = protectionObj.title.prefixedText -- Only makes a difference in testing. end function Banner:__tostring() -- Renders the banner. makeMessageBox = makeMessageBox or require('Module:Message box').main local reasonText = self._reasonText or error('no reason text set') local explanationText = self._explanationText local mbargs = { page = self._page, type = 'protection', image = self:renderImage(), text = string.format( "'''%s'''%s", reasonText, explanationText and '<br />' .. explanationText or '' ) } return makeMessageBox('mbox', mbargs) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Padlock class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Padlock = BannerTemplate:subclass('Padlock') function Padlock:initialize(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg) BannerTemplate.initialize(self, protectionObj, cfg) -- This doesn't need the blurb. self:setImageWidth(20) self:setImageTooltip(blurbObj:makeBannerText('tooltip')) self._imageAlt = blurbObj:makeBannerText('alt') self._imageLink = blurbObj:makeBannerText('link') self._right = cfg.padlockPositions[protectionObj.action] or cfg.padlockPositions.default or '55px' end function Padlock:__tostring() local root = mw.html.create('div') root :addClass('metadata topicon nopopups') :attr('id', 'protected-icon') :css{display = 'none', right = self._right} :wikitext(self:renderImage()) return tostring(root) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} function p._exportClasses() -- This is used for testing purposes. return { Protection = Protection, Blurb = Blurb, BannerTemplate = BannerTemplate, Banner = Banner, Padlock = Padlock, } end function p._main(args, cfg, title) args = args or {} cfg = cfg or require('Module:Protection banner/config') -- Initialise the protection object and check for errors local protectionObjCreated, protectionObj = pcall(, Protection, -- equivalent to Protection:new() args, cfg, title ) if not protectionObjCreated then local errorBlurb = cfg.msg['error-message-blurb'] or 'Error: $1.' local errorText = mw.message.newRawMessage(errorBlurb) :params(protectionObj) -- protectionObj is the error message :plain() return string.format( '<strong class="error">%s</strong>%s', errorText, makeCategoryLink(cfg.msg['tracking-category-incorrect']) ) end -- Initialise the blurb object local blurbObj = Blurb:new(protectionObj, args, cfg) local ret = {} -- Render the banner if protectionObj:isProtected() then ret[#ret + 1] = tostring( (yesno(args.small) and Padlock or Banner) :new(protectionObj, blurbObj, cfg) ) end -- Render the categories if yesno(args.category) ~= false then ret[#ret + 1] = protectionObj:makeCategoryLinks() end return table.concat(ret) end function p.main(frame, cfg) getArgs = getArgs or require('Module:Arguments').getArgs cfg = cfg or require('Module:Protection banner/config') local parentTitle = frame:getParent():getTitle() parentTitle = parentTitle:gsub('/sandbox$', '') local defaultArgs = cfg.wrappers[parentTitle] or {} local args = getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = defaultArgs and true}) for k, v in pairs(defaultArgs) do args[k] = v end return p._main(args, cfg) end return p