Timeline of the United States Agency for International Development

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This is a timeline of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Big picture

Time period Development summary
1960s "International Aid in the 1960s: An Agency is Born

In 1961, President Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into law and created USAID by executive order. Once USAID got to work, international development assistance opportunities grew tremendously. The time during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations became known as the “decade of development.”"[1]

1970s "International Aid in the 1970s: A Shift to Basic Human Needs

In the 1970s, the USAID began to shift its focus away from technical and capital assistance programs. Instead, U.S. development assistance stressed a “basic human needs” approach, which focused on:

Food and nutrition Population planning Health Education Human resources development"[1]

1980s "International Aid in the 1980s: A Turn to Free Markets

In the 1980s, foreign assistance sought to stabilize currencies and financial systems.

It also promoted market-based principles to restructure developing countries' policies and institutions. During this decade, USAID reaffirmed its commitment to broad-based economic growth, emphasizing employment and income opportunities through a revitalization of agriculture and expansion of domestic markets. In this decade, development activities were increasingly channeled through private voluntary organizations (PVOs), and aid shifted from individual projects to large programs."[1] In the mid-1980s, USAID fully commits itself to a significant effort to improve global childhood immunization coverage.[2]

1990s USAID’s top priority becomes sustainable development, or helping countries improve their own quality of life. During this decade, USAID tailors development assistance programs to the countries' economic conditions.[1] During the 1990s, USAID engages in a process of structural reform. Programming and funding authority are being shifted dramatically within the Agency to further decentralize responsibilities. The centralized strategic decision making that characterized the Agency in the first part of the decade is being shifted to missions and the role of Global projects changes dramatically.[2]
2000s "International Aid in the 2000s: War and Rebuilding

The 2000s, brought more evolution for USAID and foreign assistance with government officials once again calling for reform of how the agency conducts business. With the Afghanistan and Iraq wars in full swing, USAID was called on to help those two countries rebuild government, infrastructure, civil society and basic services such as health care and education. The Agency began rebuilding with an eye to getting the most bang out of its funding allocations. It also began an aggressive campaign to reach out to new partner organizations – including the private sector and foundations – to extend the reach of foreign assistance.

Today, USAID staff work in more than 100 countries around the world with the same overarching goals that President Kennedy outlined 50 years ago – furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while also extending a helping hand to people struggling to make a better life, recover from a disaster or striving to live in a free and democratic country. It is this caring that stands as a hallmark of the United States around the world."[1]

Full timeline

Year Event type Details Location
1966 USAID joins the global effort to eradicate smallpox.[3]
1970 "n 1970, USAID allocated some funding to four U.S. universities to study legislatures in developing countries"[4]
1970 "In 1970, USAID commenced the 10-year Maasai Range Development and Management Project. Range development specialists were brought in from the USA, and US$1.7 million was loaned to the Tanzanian government for capital equipment. The production target was a 100% increase over 10 years (Dumont, 1983, p. 144). The project entailed constructing cattle dips to Ž ght disease and watering points to prevent overgrazing, improving herds, increasing marketing facilities and training select Tanzanians in conservation and range management (Parkipuny, 1979, pp. 141–153)."[5]
1971 USAID develops a "positive list" of commodities, including pesticides that are eligible for agency financing.[6]
1971 USAID participates in the establishment of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a partnership of international research centers.[7][8]
1972 USAID begins family-planning assistance in Kenya.[9] Kenya
1972 – 1976 USAID finances approximately 9,000 tons of pesticides in the period.[6]
1975 USAID establishes the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) in order to strengthen development activities by making development experience documents available to a wide variety of audiences.[10]
1975 USAID begins working in the health sector in Egypt.[11] Egypt}}
1976 USAID initiates their first agricultural research project which concentrates on supporting the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) at Joydebpur, developing the Ishurdi Centre for work on wheat, and providing funds for technical assistance, training and contract research.[12] Bangladesh
1976 In 1976 USAID funds the Portage Project to set up non-formal early education programs in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Peru and the National Institute of Educational Research and Development. This 3-year project, established in 6 urban and rural sites using community workers as interventionists, would expand to 1500 sites by 1987.[13]
1976 USAID develops a major new development program for the Sahel and successfully obtains Congressional funding for it.[14]
1977 USAID/Egypt begins providing assistance to the Government of Egypt in the area of population and health.[15]
1977 USAID in Nepal provides funds to World Education and the Centre for Educational Research Innovation and Development (CERID) at Tribhuvan University to pilot a nonformal education program. This program would evolve into the Nepal National Literacy Program.[16] Nepal
1978 USAID becomes deeply involved in reforming the fertilizer supply system of Bangladesh.[17] Bangladesh
1978 USAID starts modification of its centralized model for program and project development, through a series of delegations of authority.[18]
1979 USAID makes the largest donor investment in the establishment of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research.[3]
1980 USAID launches its Forest Resources Management project, which would contract with the U.S. Forest Service to provide a variety of technical services in forestry to missions.[19]
1980 USAID starts providing large fertilizer shipments to Kenya as components of various aid packages.[20] Kenya
1981 USAID creates the program MERC, aimed at supporting cooperation in Egyptian-Israeli research.[21]
1981 USAID sponsors the Colloquium on Rural Finance in Low-income Countries. This would be considered a watershed event in rural lending.[22]
1983 USAID establishes the Institute for International Studies in Natural Family Planning at Georgetown University through a 5-year US$15 million grant. The Institute would conduct a program of research, training, and technical assistance to increase the knowledge, availability, acceptability, and effectiveness of natural family planning methods in developing countries.[23]
1983 USAID begins providing assistance to the Nigerian Federal and State Ministries of Health to develop and implement programs in family planning and child survival.[24] Nigeria
1984 USAID and the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) establish CBI Global, an industry leader that connects coffee and spice farmers to more than 160 companies in over 40 countries.[25]
1985 Program launch USAID teams up with UNICEF and the United States Congress to launch the Child Survival Revolution, as effort to reduce child mortality in the developing world.[26]
1985 USAID launches the Technology and Resources for Child Health Project. This marks the first major effort for a global project that would provide assistance to countries and the global technical community in support of childhood immunization services.[2]
1986 Program launch USAID launches its HIV and AIDS program. Since then, the agency would play a leading role in averting the global AIDS crisis.[27]
1987 USAID starts the HealthTech Program, which is charged with discovering new and appropriate cost effective technologies to apply to immunization programs in the developing world.[2]
1988 USAID creates the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI), one month after Hurricane Gilbert makes landfall as a Category 5 storm that would affect 10 countries.[28]
1989 Following Paraguay’s democratic elections, USAID provides support to strengthen the Electoral Tribunal, to help ensure free, fair and transparent elections.[29] Paraguay
1995 Legislation to abolish USAID is introduced by Senator Jesse Helms, the Chairman of the Template:Senate Foreign Relations Committee, with aims at replacing USAID with a grant-making foundation.[30]
2003 United States President George W. Bush establishes PEPFAR, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, putting USAID's HIV/AIDS programs under the direction of the State Department's new Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator.[31]
2008 Program launch USAID launches the "Development Leadership Initiative" to reverse the decline in USAID's Foreign Service Officer staffing, which has fallen to a total of about 1,200 worldwide.[32]
2013 Local retreat The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, asks USAID to close its mission, after having worked in the country for 49 years.[33] Bolivia
2016 (June) Staff USAID's staffing reports to the United States Congress totaling 10,235, including both field missions "overseas" (7,176) and the Washington DC headquarters (3,059).[34]
2019 Local retreat USAID ends its projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.[35] Palestinian territories

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by User:Sebastian.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

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What the timeline is still missing

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See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "USAID HISTORY". usaid.gov. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Trostle, Murray; Shen, Angela K. "Three decades of USAID investments in immunization through the child survival revolution". doi:10.1038/emi.2014.13. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "USAID Celebrates 50 years of Saving Lives Across the Globe". blog.usaid.gov. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  4. Baaklini, Abdo I.; Desfosses, Helen. Designs for Democratic Stability: Studies in Viable Constitutionalism: Studies in Viable Constitutionalism. 
  5. FORSTATER, MATHEW. "Bones for Sale: 'development' , environment and food security in East Africa" (PDF). Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Donor policies on pesticide donations: pest and pesticide management". fao.org. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  7. Egna, Hillary S.; Boyd, Claude E. Dynamics of Pond Aquaculture. 
  8. "USAID'S LEGACY IN AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: 50 YEARS OF PROGRESS". usaid.gov. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  9. Butterfield, Samuel Hale. U.S. Development Aid--an Historic First: Achievements and Failures in the Twentieth Century. 
  10. "USAID Open Gov Plan". slideshare.net. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  11. "Time for self-reliance?". weekly.ahram.org.eg. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  12. "The World Bank". documents.banquemondiale.org. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  13. "DOCUMENT RESUME". archive.org. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  14. "The Electronic Oracle" (PDF). pure.iiasa.ac.at. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  15. "Situational Analysis of the Private Sector in the Delivery of Family Planning Services in Egypt: Current Status and Potential for Increased Involvement" (PDF). evidenceproject.popcouncil.org. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  16. "Perspectives on learning in the Women 's Economic and Empowerment Literacy Program in Nepal.". scholarworks.umass.edu. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  17. Hale Butterfield, Samuel. U.S. Development Aid--an Historic First: Achievements and Failures in the Twentieth Century. 
  18. "50 Years in Development: How Private Companies Adapt & Deliver". issuu.com. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  19. Corson, Catherine A. Corridors of Power: The Politics of Environmental Aid to Madagascar. 
  20. "USAID IN KENYA: DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLIENT STATE" (PDF). explorations.ucdavis.edu. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  21. Waisová, Šárka. Environmental Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Transformation and Resolution. 
  22. "USAID's Legacy in Agricultural Development". issuu.com. Retrieved 29 March 2019. 
  23. "USAID's new directions.". popline.org. Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  24. Nigeria Investment and Trade Laws and Regulations Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Information and Basic Laws. IBP, Inc. 
  25. "THE VANILLA CONNECTION". stories.usaid.gov. Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  26. "50 years of progress". unicefusa.org. Retrieved 31 March 2019. 
  27. "HIV AND AIDS TIMELINE". usaid.gov. Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  28. "2015 NEPAL EARTHQUAKE". cidi.org. Retrieved 31 March 2019. 
  29. "HISTORY". usaid.gov. Retrieved 31 March 2019. 
  30. Greenhouse, Steven (March 16, 1995). "Helms Seeks to Merge Foreign Policy Agencies". The New York Times. 
  31. "Department of State (DoS)". Pepfar.gov. 2006-11-15. Archived from the original on 2011-07-28. Retrieved 2011-03-12.  For the nature of the emergency and the U.S. Government response, see U.S. Government Accountability Office (September 2007). "Intellectual Property: U.S. Trade Policy Guidance on WTO Declaration on Access to Medicines May Need Clarification (GAO-07-1198)" (PDF). Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  32. "Survey of USAID's Development Leadership Initiative in Southern and Eastern Africa" (PDF). USAID Inspector General. p. 1. Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  33. "Bolivia's President Morales expels USAID, accused it of working against him". Washington Post. May 1, 2013. 
  34. "USAID Staffing Report to Congress" (PDF). USAID. Retrieved 30 March 2019. 
  35. 'USAID to end all Palestinian projects on Jan. 31,' former director says