Detail construction for full timeline in timelines

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This page talks about what to put in the Details column for rows in the full timeline. It is complementary to the inclusion criteria for full timeline in timelines. Whereas the inclusion criteria page is about what deserves a row, the detail construction page you're reading right now is about how to write the row.

Goals of the detail: a self-contained row

The general idea is that the detail should be sufficient to make reading a row a self-contained experience. It should not be necessary to read the cited sources, or read other rows in the timeline, or follow links to Wikipedia pages, to understand what the row is about.

The detail should identify the reasons for significance, including reasons that emerge later, after the event

For instance, here's an example of a detail, taken from a version of the timeline of existential risk:

The first nuclear detonation is conducted when a plutonium implosion device is tested at a site located 210 miles south of Los Alamos, New Mexico. Many scientists would suggest dating the beginning of the Anthropocene age to this event, stating that that Homo sapiens gained a position of unprecedented influence over the Earth system.

Notice how the first sentence here describes the event, whereas the second sentence explains its significance as perceived retrospectively. If we just had the first sentence, its significance would be less clear, with the reader having to connect the dots.

Here's another example:

Edwin Hubble publishes his conclusion, based on his observations of Cepheid variable stars in distant galaxies, that the universe is expanding. From then on, the beginning of the universe and its possible end would be subjects of serious scientific investigation.[

The detail should include followup actions, especially if those followup actions don't get their own row

For instance, further steps in ratification/taking force, or repeal, or propagation, might be included as additional sentences in the row. An example, again from a version of the timeline of existential risk:

The Geneva Protocol is signed with the purpose to ban the use of chemical and biological weapons.[22] It would enter into force on 8 February 1928.

The detail should use short descriptions to identify the individuals involved, in particular highlighting their claims to fame

For instance, instead of just saying "Isaac Asimov", you could say "famous science fiction author Isaac Asimov". If the person isn't yet famous, and this is an early work, a followup sentence could say that the person would go on to become famous, and also highlight if this original work might have been influential in their becoming famous or their actions after becoming famous.