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Timeline of index funds

459 bytes added, 17:04, 15 April 2019
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| 1973 || || John McQuown and {{w|David G. Booth}} of {{w|Wells Fargo}}, and {{w|Rex Sinquefield}} of the {{w|American National Bank}} in Chicago, establish the first two Standard and Poor's Composite Index Funds.
| 1974 || || "John C. Bogle founded the Vanguard Group of Investment Companies in 1974".<ref name="The History of Index Funds & The Future of Diversifying Your Crypto Investments">{{cite web |title=The History of Index Funds & The Future of Diversifying Your Crypto Investments |url= | |accessdate=16 April 2019}}</ref>
| 1974 || || The first multiclient index fund is probably launched by Batterymarch Financial Management.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Johnson |first1=Bruce |title=The Hedge Fund Fraud Casebook |url=}}</ref>

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