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1,301 bytes added, 21:55, 23 February 2013
Continuing trials and tribulations of string trimming and Wikipedia template quirks
function str.match( frame )
return mw.ustring.match( frame.args.s, frame.args.pattern, tonumber( frame.args.i ) )
This function returns a single character from the target string at position pos.
target: The string to search
pos: The index for the character to return
If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
trailing whitespace from the target string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
The first character has an index value of 1.
If one requests a negative value, this function will select a character by counting backwards
from the end of the string. In other words pos = -1 is the same as asking for the last character.
A requested value of zero, or a value greater than the length of the string returns an error.
function str.pos( frame )
local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'target', 'pos'} );
local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
local pos = tonumber( new_args['pos'] ) or 0;
if pos == 0 or math.abs(pos) > mw.ustring.len( target_str ) then
return '<strong class="error">String index out of range</strong>';
return mw.ustring.sub( target_str, pos, pos );
local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
if target_str == '' then
return 1;
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