Talk:Timeline of Delhi Metro

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Review by Vipul on 2024-07-25 / 2024-07-26

I have a few minor pieces of feedback, but none of them is a blocker; I'm happy to finalize pay as is or after you address whatever subset of these suggestions you think are worth addressing. The remaining stuff can be deferred to future expansions if you think they're worth doing but not right now.

General standalone evaluation comments

The timeline looks great overall!

  • Please add inclusion criteria! This will help guide future expansions and also help with evaluation of the timeline in the future.✔
  • As I mentioned in my previous feedback, it would be good to have more pre-start events (see my feedback on 2024-04-01 further down on this page). If you tried looking and couldn't find anything good, then it's okay. (EDIT: I see that Delhi_Metro#Background has some stuff that could be used).✔
  • I wonder (if licensing allows) whether it might make sense to include a map of Delhi Metro? I cross-referenced a map I found on Wikipedia in order to better understand the timeline.
    • Sebastian: I had explored the possibility to include maps in Timeline of Delhi Metro, but they appear to be more difficult than uploading pics from Wikimedia Commons. If I manage to provide such maps, it would be good to have more timelines of metro systems.

Line-by-line comments

  • It is mentioned that E. Sreedharan resigned after the 2009 accident. But a later row suggests he retired in 2011. Did his resignation get reversed? Or did it just take two years to process and became a retirement instead? It's confusing.✔ (Sebastian: Both sources contradict, and most sources lead to Sreedharan retirement in late 2011. I removed 2009 resignation. Let me know if you want the event back with more clarification and research).

External verification

I asked ChatGPT to generate a timeline of Delhi Metro. It did a reasonably good job, but covered only a small subset of this timeline. I did see a few references to more recent developments regarding driverless operation (you mention early developments on the front, but not the latest). For instance:

I also looked at the Wikipedia page. Most of the stuff there is covered on this timeline. A few things not included in this timeline:

  • Early history (see my standalone evaluation comment about pre-start events)
  • Rainwater harvesting✔
  • Regenerative braking✔

I think it would be nice to include them, but I don't have strong views.

Review by Vipul on 2024-04-01

General standalone evaluation comments

The timeline looks good overall! A few areas where I would like to see improvement:

  • More pre-start events: You mention that construction work began after "more than 40 years of studies." It would be good to have a few events describing these studies. The timeline of Bay Area Rapid Transit has a similar detailed unfolding of events prior to the start of BART. In addition, events describing what transportation options, and transportation-related controversies, existed in Delhi prior to this, might also help shed light (for instance, buses and autos were switched to CNG around 2000 or so I think, to reduce pollution).✔
  • More of a sense of geography: It would be good to mention where in the city various stations and lines are. You do this sometimes; however, it would be good to do it more consistently.✔

Maybe take another look at timeline of Bay Area Rapid Transit to get more ideas.✔

Line-by-line comments

  • The Big picture references "federal government" but that term isn't used in India; "central government" is the term of choice there. It might be good to change that (you can parenthetically say federal to reduce confusion for users from other countries).✔
  • The row for 2013 May 9 referencing the COVID-19 pandemic seems wrong; there was no COVID-19 pandemic at the time. Please check the date and the content of the row!✔

External verification

There are several other accidents that were noteworthy in connection with Delhi Metro. For instance:


visual data

Delhi metro passenger ridership.png