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| 2000 || March || Encyclopedia Launch || {{w|Nupedia}} is launched by Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell, and Michael E. Davis under their web-advertising company, Bomis. The project aims to create a free online encyclopedia using qualified volunteers and a peer-reviewed multi-step editorial process. Despite having a mailing list of over 2,000 interested editors and Larry Sanger serving as full-time editor-in-chief, *Nupedia* struggles to produce content, with only 12 articles written during its first year.<ref name="hive">{{Cite magazine |last=Poe |first=Marshall |date=September 2006 |title=The Hive |url=https://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia/ |url-status=live |magazine={{w|The Atlantic}} |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061223004004/http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia |archive-date=23 December 2006 |access-date=1 January 2007}}</ref>
| 2000 || March || Encyclopedia Launch || {{w|Nupedia}} is launched by Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell, and Michael E. Davis under their web-advertising company, Bomis. The project aims to create a free online encyclopedia using qualified volunteers and a peer-reviewed multi-step editorial process. Despite having a mailing list of over 2,000 interested editors and Larry Sanger serving as full-time editor-in-chief, *Nupedia* struggles to produce content, with only 12 articles written during its first year.<ref name="hive">{{Cite magazine |last=Poe |first=Marshall |date=September 2006 |title=The Hive |url=https://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia/ |url-status=live |magazine={{w|The Atlantic}} |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061223004004/http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia |archive-date=23 December 2006 |access-date=1 January 2007}}</ref>
| 2000 || March || Founding || The Nupedia project is started by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, with the intention to publish articles written by experts and licensed as free content. The project is funded by Bomis.
| 2001 || January 2 || Key Conversation || Larry Sanger learns about wikis during a dinner with Ben Kovitz, a programmer and regular on Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb. Kovitz introduces Sanger to the concept of using wikis to organize knowledge, an idea that would soon shape the future of Wikipedia.
| 2001 || January 10 || Proposal || Larry Sanger suggests on the *Nupedia* mailing list that a wiki-based platform be created as a feeder project to complement *Nupedia*. He proposes the use of the UseModWiki platform under the subject "Let's make a wiki."
| 2001 || January 10 || Proposal || Larry Sanger suggests on the *Nupedia* mailing list that a wiki-based platform be created as a feeder project to complement *Nupedia*. He proposes the use of the UseModWiki platform under the subject "Let's make a wiki."
| 2001 || January 10 || Wiki Setup || Jimmy Wales sets up a wiki under the *nupedia.com* domain as a test project for rapid content creation. This marks the beginning of the wiki approach to encyclopedic content for *Nupedia*.
| 2001 || January 10 || Wiki Setup || Jimmy Wales sets up a wiki under the <code>nupedia.com</code> domain as a test project for rapid content creation. This marks the beginning of the wiki approach to encyclopedic content for ''{{w|Nupedia}}''.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2003-04-25 |title=[Nupedia-l] Nupedia's wiki: try it out |url=http://www.nupedia.com/pipermail/nupedia-l/2001-January/000678.html |access-date=2023-08-21 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20030425173342/http://www.nupedia.com/pipermail/nupedia-l/2001-January/000678.html |archive-date=25 April 2003 }}</ref>
| 2001 || January 11 || Naming || Larry Sanger suggests the name "Wikipedia" as a portmanteau of "wiki" and "encyclopedia."
| 2001 || January 11 || Naming || Larry Sanger suggests the name "Wikipedia" as a portmanteau of "wiki" and "encyclopedia."

Revision as of 13:51, 17 September 2024

This is a timeline of Wikipedia, a free, web-based encyclopedia that is collaboratively written by volunteers from around the world.

Sample questions

The following are some interesting questions that can be answered by reading this timeline:

Big picture

Time period Development summary More details
1990s Technological Context The development of the World Wide Web leads to several attempts at creating online encyclopedias, setting the stage for the eventual success of Wikipedia.

Full timeline

  • We do not include:
Year Month and date Event type Details
1857 November 5 Speech Richard Chenevix Trench delivers a speech at the London Library on Guy Fawkes Day, proposing the creation of a new grand dictionary of every word in the English language. He emphasizes the need for a large, unpaid volunteer team to compile this work, a concept that parallels Wikipedia's reliance on volunteer contributors.[1]
1910 Institution Establishment Paul Otlet founds the Mundaneum, an institution dedicated to indexing the world's knowledge. This marks a significant step towards creating a global repository of information, paving the way for future encyclopedic efforts like Wikipedia.[2]
1928 Project Completion After nearly 70 years of collaborative effort, the Oxford English Dictionary is completed. This massive project, driven by volunteers, demonstrates that large-scale, volunteer-driven knowledge projects were possible long before the advent of the internet.[3]
1934 Publication Paul Otlet publishes Traité de Documentation, in which he explores the idea of using automated technology beyond the printing press to build a more useful, machine-assisted encyclopedia. This concept would influence later digital knowledge projects.[2]
1938 Concept Proposal H. G. Wells expands on Otlet's ideas in his book of essays World Brain, proposing the creation of a global encyclopedia that could serve as a repository for human knowledge and wisdom, an idea that anticipates the collaborative nature of Wikipedia.[2]
1945 Essay Publication Vannevar Bush publishes his influential essay As We May Think, in which he envisions the "Memex," a microfilm-based system that would allow users to store and retrieve vast amounts of information. This concept of a knowledge machine would later inspire developments in digital information storage, such as hypertext.[2]
1960 Project Launch Ted Nelson begins Project Xanadu, a pioneering hypertext design aimed at creating a global, interconnected library of information. This project is a precursor to the development of the internet and collaborative knowledge systems like Wikipedia.[2]
1993 Concept Proposal Rick Gates, a computer scientist and advocate for online information sharing, makes the earliest known proposal for an online encyclopedia. This proposal outlines the concept of a collaborative, digital resource where users can freely contribute and access knowledge, laying the foundation for later initiatives like Wikipedia.[4]
1993 Encyclopedia Launch Microsoft's Encarta, a CD-ROM-based encyclopedia, is published. It introduces hyperlinked articles, a significant departure from traditional book-based encyclopedias like the Encyclopædia Britannica.[4]
1998 Concept Proposal Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, proposes the idea of a "free-as-in-freedom" online encyclopedia. His vision includes the principle that no central authority should control editing or access, directly opposing the proprietary models of contemporaneous encyclopedias like Microsoft Encarta or Encyclopædia Britannica.[5]
1998 Concept Proposal Free software advocate Richard Stallman outlines the idea of a "Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource." He stresses the importance of creating a free, universally accessible encyclopedia to ensure continuous progress toward this ideal.[5]
Late 1990s Concept Development Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales is inspired by the open-source movement and Richard Stallman's *Emacs Manifesto*. As a graduate student at Indiana University, Wales is intrigued by the idea of volunteer-driven collaboration, which will later influence Wikipedia’s model.
2000 March Encyclopedia Launch Nupedia is launched by Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell, and Michael E. Davis under their web-advertising company, Bomis. The project aims to create a free online encyclopedia using qualified volunteers and a peer-reviewed multi-step editorial process. Despite having a mailing list of over 2,000 interested editors and Larry Sanger serving as full-time editor-in-chief, *Nupedia* struggles to produce content, with only 12 articles written during its first year.[6]
2001 January 10 Proposal Larry Sanger suggests on the *Nupedia* mailing list that a wiki-based platform be created as a feeder project to complement *Nupedia*. He proposes the use of the UseModWiki platform under the subject "Let's make a wiki."
2001 January 10 Wiki Setup Jimmy Wales sets up a wiki under the nupedia.com domain as a test project for rapid content creation. This marks the beginning of the wiki approach to encyclopedic content for Nupedia.[7]
2001 January 11 Naming Larry Sanger suggests the name "Wikipedia" as a portmanteau of "wiki" and "encyclopedia."
2001 January 12 Domain Registration The domain name wikipedia.com is registered.
2001 January 13 Domain Registration The domain wikipedia.org is officially registered, signaling the creation of a new free-content encyclopedia. This event marks the beginning of what would become one of the most significant and widely-used knowledge repositories on the internet.
2001 January 15 First Edit Wikipedia’s first edit is made, marking the platform's launch as a live site. Just two days after the domain registration, Wikipedia begins its journey as a space where volunteers from around the world can collaborate to create and edit articles, significantly lowering the barriers to contribution compared to Nupedia.
2001 January 15 Wikipedia Launch Wikipedia is launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger as a companion project to *Nupedia*. It allows for faster content creation by enabling volunteers to edit articles freely, using wiki software. This project rapidly overtakes *Nupedia* in content and activity.
2001 January 15 Wikipedia Launch Wikipedia is officially launched under the wikipedia.com domain as an independent project, separate from Nupedia, with the goal of allowing volunteers to edit articles more freely.
2001 January 15 Launch Wikipedia officially opens to the public, with the creation of the first international editions, including French, German, Catalan, Swedish, and Italian.
2001 January 17 GNUPedia Launch The Free Software Foundation's GNUPedia project goes online as a potential competitor to *Nupedia* and Wikipedia. Within a few years, the FSF encourages people to contribute to Wikipedia instead.
2001 February 12 Milestone Wikipedia reaches its 1,000th article. This demonstrates the rapid content growth compared to *Nupedia*, which had struggled to produce articles at a faster rate.
2001 March 16 New Subdomains The first non-English Wikipedia, the German Wikipedia (*deutsche.wikipedia.com*), is created at 01:38 UTC. This is followed a few hours later by the Catalan Wikipedia (*catalan.wikipedia.com*) at 13:07 UTC.
2001 March New Subdomain The Japanese Wikipedia (*nihongo.wikipedia.com*) is created, initially using Romanized Japanese.
2001 March Expansion The first international Wikipedias are created, including the French, German, Catalan, Swedish, and Italian editions.
2001 May 11 New Subdomain The French Wikipedia is created, followed by the introduction of other languages such as Chinese, Dutch, Esperanto, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
2001 July 25 Traffic Increase Wikipedia receives a large influx of traffic after being mentioned on the technology website *Slashdot*. This is followed by further exposure from *Kuro5hin*, which brings more participants and attention to the project.
2001 July 26 Media Attention Wikipedia experiences a surge in traffic due to the first "slashdotter" wave.
2001 Licensing Change The license for Wikipedia’s predecessor, Nupedia, is changed to the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), which allows content to be freely used, modified, and shared. This open license becomes a cornerstone for Wikipedia’s ethos of free knowledge, encouraging broad participation and redistribution.
2001 August Media Report The first media report about Wikipedia appears in Wales on Sunday.
2001 September 7 Milestone Wikipedia reaches 10,000 articles, highlighting the continued success and growth of the project in just eight months.
2001 September 20 Media Coverage *The New York Times* covers Wikipedia, marking its first major mainstream media recognition. This coverage increases its visibility and legitimacy.
2001 September Announcement Wikipedia commits to providing multilingual versions, aiming to roll out Wikipedias for all major languages, set core standards, and translate core pages for the new wikis.
2001 September 11 Traffic Spike A link to the Wikipedia article on the September 11 attacks appears on Yahoo!'s home page, resulting in a significant increase in traffic.
2001 September Breaking News Following the September 11 attacks, Wikipedia begins featuring breaking news stories on its homepage and linking related articles. Approximately 100 articles related to 9/11 are created.
2001 December New Subdomains Afrikaans, Norwegian, and Serbian Wikipedia versions are announced as international statistics begin to be logged.
2002 January Milestone 90% of all Wikipedia articles are in English.
2002 January 25 Software Release The first portable MediaWiki software goes live.
2002 March Departure Larry Sanger leaves both Nupedia and Wikipedia after Bomis withdraws funding during the dot-com bust.
2002 August 30 Milestone Wikipedia reaches 40,000 articles, having grown at a rate of over 1,500 articles per month during its first year of existence.
2002 Philosophical Disagreement Sanger and Wales differ on how to manage open encyclopedias, particularly concerning disruptive editors, roles for experts, and project management.
2002 Funding Reduction Bomis reduces funding for Wikipedia, leading to the departure of Larry Sanger.
2002 Fork A fork of the Spanish Wikipedia results in the creation of Enciclopedia Libre.
2002 Policy Jimmy Wales confirms that Wikipedia will never run commercial advertising.
2002 Bots Bots are introduced to Wikipedia.
2002 Launch The first sister project, Wiktionary, and the first formal Manual of Style are launched.
2002 Participation Close to 200 contributors are editing Wikipedia daily.
2002 Growth Wikipedia continues to expand internationally, with new language versions and increasing article counts.
2003 October Social Meeting The first Wikipedian social meeting takes place in Munich, Germany.
2003 November 24 Project Creation Wikisource is created as a separate project to host free textual sources in multiple languages.
2003 Milestone The English Wikipedia passes 100,000 articles, while the German Wikipedia surpasses 10,000.
2003 Foundation The Wikimedia Foundation is established.
2003 Logo Wikipedia adopts its jigsaw world logo.
2003 Feature Mathematical formulae using TeX are reintroduced to the website.
2003 System Development The basic principles of the English Wikipedia's Arbitration system and committee ("ArbCom") are developed.
2003 Growth Wikipedia reaches significant milestones in article counts and international editions.
2004 January Milestone The percentage of English articles falls below 50%, as non-English language versions continue to grow.
2004 June Block Wikipedia is blocked in China for two weeks.
2004 July Social Meeting The first social meeting in the United States takes place in Boston.
2004 September 7 Project Creation Wikimedia Commons is created to host media files for Wikipedia in all languages.
2004 Growth Wikipedia sees further growth in content and user participation.
2004 Content Growth Wikipedia's article pool doubles in size from under 500,000 to over 1 million articles by the end of the year, with content in over 100 languages. The English Wikipedia accounts for just under half of these articles.
2004 Server Relocation Wikipedia's server farms are moved from California to Florida.
2004 Features Categories and CSS style configuration sheets are introduced.
2004 Governance Formal elections begin for a board for the Wikimedia Foundation and an Arbitration Committee on English Wikipedia.
2004 Chapter Wikimedia Deutschland is recognized as the first national chapter of the Foundation.
2004 Legal Reference Bourgeois v. Peters, a court case, becomes one of the earliest to cite and quote Wikipedia.
2005 Expansion Wikipedia's international editions continue to grow, and the site gains widespread recognition.
2006 New Project Larry Sanger founds Citizendium, an open encyclopedia requiring contributors to use real names to minimize disruptive editing. Citizendium aims to include "gentle expert guidance" and family-friendly content.
2006 Milestone Wikipedia reaches major milestones in article counts and global reach.
2007 Governance Jimmy Wales continues to establish self-governance on Wikipedia, with editors managing the community and content development, while he provides occasional input on serious matters.
2007 Release Wikipedia Version 0.5, a CD/DVD containing a selection of English Wikipedia articles, is released.
2007 Recognition Wikipedia's impact and influence become more prominent as it continues to expand.
2007–2011 Availability Kiwix ZIM files for Wikipedia versions from 2007 to 2011 are made available for download, providing offline access to selected Wikipedia articles.
2008 Release Wikipedia Version 0.7, a CD/DVD with updated selections of English Wikipedia articles, is released.
2008 Milestone Wikipedia celebrates significant achievements and milestones in content and community.
2009 Release Wikipedia Version 0.8, the final CD/DVD in the series with selections of English Wikipedia articles, is released.
2009 Growth Wikipedia remains a leading source of free knowledge, with continued growth and international expansion.
2014 Reader Statistics By this year, Wikipedia attracts approximately 495 million monthly readers worldwide, reflecting its status as a major source of free information on the web. This level of readership showcases its vast reach and the growing public reliance on the site for accurate, up-to-date knowledge.
2014 Milestone About 85% of all Wikipedia articles are in non-English versions, marking the significant internationalization of the project.
2015 Visitor Statistics According to comScore, Wikipedia achieves over 115 million monthly unique visitors from the United States alone in 2015. This figure highlights the platform’s popularity in one of the largest internet markets and its role as a key player in digital education and information dissemination.
2018 September Page Views Wikipedia and its associated projects receive 15.5 billion monthly page views. This surge in traffic illustrates the platform’s enduring significance and widespread use across various languages and regions, underscoring its role as one of the world’s most important online resources.
2023 Milestone Roughly 90% of all Wikipedia articles are in non-English Wikipedias, though the English and Simple English versions together have 7 million articles.
2023 Preservation The ZIM File Archive at the Internet Archive continues to store past full snapshots and article selections from Wikipedia in multiple languages, accessible with Kiwix software.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2005 Popularity Wikipedia becomes the most popular reference website on the Internet according to Hitwise. English Wikipedia alone exceeds 750,000 articles.
2005 Portals The first multilingual and subject portals are established.
2005 Q1 Fundraiser A formal fundraiser raises almost US$100,000 for system upgrades to handle growing demand.
2005 October Block China blocks Wikipedia again.
2005 Scandal The Seigenthaler incident, Wikipedia's first major scandal, occurs when a well-known figure’s vandalized biography goes unnoticed for months. This leads to the implementation of new policies to counter such abuse.
2005 Policy Changes New policies are introduced, including:
2005 Checkuser privilege policy update to assist in sock puppetry investigations.
2005 Semi-protection feature.
2005 Stricter policy on biographies of living people with tagging for stricter review.
2005 December Restriction New article creation is restricted to registered users only.
2005 August 4–8 Event Wikimania 2005, the first Wikimania conference, is held at the Haus der Jugend in Frankfurt, attracting about 380 attendees.

Year Month and date Event type Details
2006 March 1 Milestone The English Wikipedia gains its one-millionth article, "Jordanhill railway station".
2006 Feature The first approved Wikipedia article selection is made freely available for download.
2006 Trademark "Wikipedia" becomes registered as a trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation.
2006 Scandal The congressional aides biography scandals come to public attention, involving congressional staffers and a campaign manager attempting to covertly alter Wikipedia biographies. The campaign manager resigns as a result.
2006 Recognition Wikipedia is rated as one of the top five global brands of 2006.
2006 Call for Quality At Wikimania 2006, Jimmy Wales calls for an emphasis on quality, with a goal of achieving 100,000 feature-quality articles.
2006 Privilege A new privilege, "oversight," is created to allow specific versions of archived pages with unacceptable content to be marked as non-viewable.
2006 Semi-Protection The semi-protection feature against anonymous vandalism, introduced in 2005, proves highly popular with over 1,000 pages being semi-protected at any given time.

Year Month and date Event type Details
2007 August 13 Milestone Wikipedia reaches over 5 million registered editor accounts.
2007 August 13 Milestone The 250 language editions of Wikipedia contain a combined total of 7.5 million articles and 1.74 billion words.
2007 Growth The English Wikipedia gains articles at a rate of 1,700 per day.
2007 Traffic The wikipedia.org domain is ranked the 10th-busiest website in the world.
2007 Controversy The Essjay controversy arises when a prominent Wikipedia member is found to have lied about his credentials.
2007 September 9 Milestone The English Wikipedia gains its two-millionth article, "El Hormiguero".
2007 Trend A new trend emerges where Wikipedia addresses people whose notability stems from being part of a news story by redirecting their name to the larger story, rather than creating a distinct biographical article.
2007 Automated Content The Volapük Wikipedia briefly becomes the 15th-largest Wikipedia edition due to automated stub generation, jumping from 797 to over 112,000 articles.
2007 April Release Wikipedia Version 0.5 article selection release is published.
2007 Editor Decline According to the MIT Technology Review, the number of regularly active editors on the English-language Wikipedia peaks at more than 51,000 but begins to decline.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2008 April Milestone The 10-millionth Wikipedia article is created.
2008 Growth The English Wikipedia exceeds 2.5 million articles by the end of the year.
2009 June 25 Traffic The Wikipedia website crashes temporarily following the death of Michael Jackson, with nearly a million visitors to his biography within one hour.
2009 August 17 Milestone The English Wikipedia reaches its three-millionth article, "Beate Eriksen," created at 04:05 UTC.
2009 December 27 Milestone The German Wikipedia exceeds one million articles, becoming the second Wikipedia edition to do so after the English Wikipedia.
2009 Recognition Wikipedia is listed among TIME magazine's best websites of 2009.
2009 Licensing Wikipedia content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2010 March 24 Technical Issue European Wikipedia servers go offline due to overheating, with DNS resolution failing worldwide. The issue is resolved quickly but access recovery is uneven due to DNS caching.
2010 April 16 Milestone The 1-billionth edit across Wikimedia projects is performed.
2010 May 13 Update Wikipedia releases a new interface with an updated logo, new navigation tools, and a link wizard, while retaining the classic interface for those who prefer it.
2010 September 21 Milestone The French Wikipedia reaches its millionth article.
2010 December 12 Milestone The English Wikipedia surpasses 3.5 million articles.
2010 Release Wikipedia Version 0.7 article selection is published.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2011 January 15 Anniversary Wikipedia celebrates its 10th anniversary with worldwide events.
2011 March 3 Release Wikipedia Version 0.8 article selection is published.
2011 April 2 Milestone The English Wikipedia surpasses 3.6 million articles.
2011 November 7 Milestone The German Wikipedia exceeds 100 million page edits.
2011 November 18 Milestone The English Wikipedia reaches 3.8 million articles.
2011 December 17 Milestone The Dutch Wikipedia exceeds 1 million articles.
2011 August 2 Stamp Release Israel Post issues the "Wikimania 2011 – Haifa, Israel" stamp, the first-ever stamp dedicated to a Wikimedia project.
2011 October 4–6 Protest The Italian Wikipedia becomes intentionally inaccessible to protest against the proposed DDL intercettazioni law.
2011 October Initiative Wikimedia announces the launch of Wikipedia Zero, an initiative to enable free mobile access to Wikipedia in developing countries through partnerships with mobile operators.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2012 January 16 Announcement Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales announces that the English Wikipedia will shut down for 24 hours on January 18. This protest aims to draw attention to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act, which are under debate in the United States Congress. The decision for the blackout is described as a "community decision," reflecting concerns over potential threats to free speech and online innovation.
2012 January 18 Event The English Wikipedia blackout takes place, with the site being taken offline for 24 hours. This action is intended to oppose the SOPA and PROTECT IP Act. Additionally, on July 10, the Russian Wikipedia conducts a similar blackout in protest against a proposed Russian internet regulation law.
2012 Late March Announcement Wikimedia Deutschland announces the Wikidata project, a universal platform designed to facilitate data sharing across all Wikipedia language editions. The US$1.7-million project receives funding from Google, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Wikimedia Deutschland is responsible for the first phase of Wikidata, with initial plans to make the platform available to editors by December 2012. The first phase of Wikidata becomes fully operational in March 2013.

Year Month and date Event type Details
2012 January 16 Announcement Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales announces that the English Wikipedia will shut down for 24 hours on January 18. This protest aims to draw attention to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act, which are under debate in the United States Congress. The decision for the blackout is described as a "community decision," reflecting concerns over potential threats to free speech and online innovation.
2012 January 18 Event The English Wikipedia blackout takes place, with the site being taken offline for 24 hours. This action is intended to oppose the SOPA and PROTECT IP Act. Additionally, on July 10, the Russian Wikipedia conducts a similar blackout in protest against a proposed Russian internet regulation law.
2012 April Achievement Justin Knapp becomes the first single contributor to make over one million edits to Wikipedia. Jimmy Wales congratulates Knapp with the Special Barnstar medal and the Golden Wiki award. April 20 is declared "Justin Knapp Day" in recognition of his contribution.
2012 July 13 Milestone The English Wikipedia reaches its 4-millionth article, "Izbat al-Burj," marking a significant achievement in the encyclopedia's growth.
2012 Late March Announcement Wikimedia Deutschland announces the Wikidata project, a universal platform designed to facilitate data sharing across all Wikipedia language editions. The US$1.7-million project receives funding from Google, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Wikimedia Deutschland is responsible for the first phase of Wikidata, with initial plans to make the platform available to editors by December 2012. The first phase of Wikidata becomes fully operational in March 2013.
2012 October Commentary Historian and Wikipedia editor Richard J. Jensen comments that the English Wikipedia is "nearing completion," despite the encyclopedia's rapid growth in article count and readership. This observation highlights a significant decline in the number of regularly active editors since 2007.
2012 November Ranking According to Alexa Internet, Wikipedia is ranked as the world's sixth-most-popular website.
2012 December Ranking Dow Jones ranks Wikipedia as the fifth-most-popular website worldwide.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2013 January 22 Milestone The Italian Wikipedia becomes the fifth language edition of Wikipedia to reach 1 million articles. This milestone reflects the continued expansion and global reach of Wikipedia, highlighting the growth of non-English language editions.
2013 January 27 Naming The main belt asteroid 274301 is officially renamed "Wikipedia" by the Committee for Small Body Nomenclature. This name change honors Wikipedia's significant impact on global knowledge dissemination and recognition in the scientific community.
2013 March Release The first phase of the Wikidata database is made available to all language editions of Wikipedia. Wikidata provides a centralized repository for structured data and automatically generates interlanguage links, improving data consistency and accessibility across Wikipedia's multiple language editions.
2013 April Controversy The French secret service is accused of attempting to censor Wikipedia by allegedly threatening a Wikipedia volunteer with arrest unless "classified information" about a military radio station was removed. This incident raises concerns about government attempts to influence or suppress open information on Wikipedia.
2013 July Launch The VisualEditor editing system is officially launched, introducing a user-friendly, word processor-like interface for editing Wikipedia articles. This development aims to make editing more accessible to users unfamiliar with wiki markup. Additionally, a new editor designed for smartphones and other mobile devices is introduced to enhance mobile editing capabilities.
2013 May 11 Milestone The Russian Wikipedia reaches its one-millionth article. This achievement marks the Russian Wikipedia as a major contributor to the global knowledge base and reflects its growth and prominence in the Wikipedia community.
2013 May 16 Milestone The Spanish Wikipedia reaches its one-millionth article. This milestone demonstrates the Spanish Wikipedia's significant expansion and its role in providing comprehensive content in Spanish.
2013 July 15 Milestone The Swedish Wikipedia becomes the eighth Wikipedia edition to surpass 1 million articles. This achievement signifies the continued growth and development of Wikipedia's Swedish language edition.
2013 September 24 Milestone The Polish Wikipedia becomes the ninth Wikipedia edition to exceed 1 million articles. This milestone underscores the Polish Wikipedia's extensive content creation and its contributions to the global knowledge repository.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2014 February Project Launch German Wikipedia contributors initiate a project to produce a print edition of the English Wikipedia. This ambitious project aims to produce 1,000 volumes and over 1,100,000 pages, showcasing the extensive content of Wikipedia in a physical format. Funded through Indiegogo, the project is intended to honor the contributions of Wikipedia's editors.
2014 June 8 Milestone The Waray Wikipedia surpasses one million articles, becoming the tenth Wikipedia edition to reach this milestone. The significant growth is attributed to a high number of articles generated by bots, despite having relatively few active contributors.
2014 June 15 Milestone The Vietnamese Wikipedia reaches the one-million-article mark, marking it as the eleventh Wikipedia edition to achieve this milestone. The rapid growth is indicative of the expanding reach and influence of Wikipedia in the Vietnamese language.
2014 July 16 Milestone The Cebuano Wikipedia exceeds one million articles, becoming the twelfth Wikipedia edition to reach this milestone. Similar to other editions with high bot activity, the Cebuano Wikipedia's growth reflects the use of automated processes to increase article count.
2014 October 22 Monument Unveiling The first monument dedicated to Wikipedia is unveiled in Slubice, Poland. This monument celebrates Wikipedia's impact and contributions to global knowledge, highlighting the project's significance and the appreciation for the Wikipedia community.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2015 Mid-Year Popularity Ranking Wikipedia is ranked as the seventh-most-popular website globally according to Alexa Internet. This represents a slight decline from its position as the sixth-most-popular site in November 2012. Despite this, Wikipedia remains the largest general-knowledge encyclopedia online.
2015 January 1 Pageviews and Visitors Wikipedia continues to be a major online resource with over 36 million mainspace articles across 291 language editions. It attracts approximately 10 billion global pageviews monthly from around 495 million unique visitors, including 85 million from the United States, where it is the sixth-most-popular site.
2015 April 7 Art Project Michael Mandiberg's "Print Wikipedia" project is launched, aiming to create a physical representation of Wikipedia. The project produces 7,473 volumes of Wikipedia as it existed on April 7, 2015. Each volume contains 700 pages, although only 110 volumes are printed by the artist. This art project underscores the breadth of Wikipedia's content and its transformation into physical form.
2015 November 1 Milestone The English Wikipedia achieves a major milestone by reaching 5,000,000 articles with the addition of an article on Persoonia terminalis, a type of shrub. This significant achievement highlights the continued growth and expansion of Wikipedia's content.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2016 January 19 Milestone The Japanese Wikipedia surpasses the one million article mark, becoming the thirteenth Wikipedia edition to achieve this milestone. The millionth article is about Wave 224, a World War II submarine of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
2016 Mid-Year Popularity Ranking Wikipedia regains its position as the sixth-most-popular website globally according to Alexa Internet, moving up from the seventh place it held the previous year. This reflects continued strong global usage and prominence.
2017 Mid-Year Popularity Ranking Wikipedia is ranked as the fifth-most-popular website globally by Alexa Internet, marking an improvement from its sixth-place position the previous year. This indicates a further rise in global usage and recognition.
2017 April 29 Access Restriction Wikipedia access is blocked across all language editions in Turkey by Turkish authorities. This restriction remains in place until January 15, 2020, when a Turkish court rules that the block violated human rights.
2017 December 28 Access Restriction The encrypted version of the Japanese Wikipedia is blocked in China. This block continues to affect access to Wikipedia in China, reflecting ongoing issues related to internet censorship.
2017 Various Dates Availability Expansion Wikipedia Zero, an initiative to provide free mobile access to Wikipedia, is made available in Iraq and Afghanistan, expanding access to Wikipedia's resources in these regions.
Year Month and date Event type Details
2018 April 13 Milestone The Chinese Wikipedia surpasses 1 million articles, becoming the fourteenth Wikipedia edition to achieve this milestone. Despite this achievement, the Chinese Wikipedia has been blocked in Mainland China since May 2015.
2018 June 26 Milestone The Portuguese Wikipedia exceeds 1 million articles, becoming the fifteenth Wikipedia edition to reach this milestone. The one-millionth article is titled "Perdão de Richard Nixon" (the Pardon of Richard Nixon).
2018 Throughout the Year Popularity Ranking Wikipedia maintains its position as the fifth-most-popular website globally according to Alexa Internet, reflecting its continued strong global presence.
2018 Throughout the Year Technological Development Wikipedia begins utilizing Artificial Intelligence to create draft articles on overlooked topics, representing a significant development in how content is generated and managed.
2019 April 23 Access Restriction Chinese authorities expand the block on Wikipedia to include all language versions. This expansion coincides with significant anniversaries, including the 30th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre and the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, leading to tighter internet censorship in China.[8][9]
2019 August Popularity Ranking According to Alexa.com, Wikipedia's global ranking falls from fifth to seventh place in terms of internet engagement, indicating a decline in its relative position among global websites.

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by Sebastian Sanchez.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

Feedback and comments

Feedback for the timeline can be provided at the following places:


What the timeline is still missing

  • Third decade: 2020–present
  • feature/update
  • language versions
  • userbase evolution
  • research
  • criticism (e.g. by notable people)
  • public opinion
  • government intervention
  • notable policies by the Wikipedia community and the Wikimedia Foundation
  • controversies
  • references to Wikipedia in popular culture
  • philosophies among Wikipedians (e.g. inclusionism vs exclusionism)
  • competition
  • awards
  • parodies
  • other

Timeline update strategy

See also

External links


  1. Winchester, Simon (1998). The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Harpers, p. 106.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Reagle, Joseph (2010). Good Faith Collaboration. The Culture of Wikipedia. MIT Press. Template:ISBN. Chapter 2: "The Pursuit of the Universal Encyclopedia".
  3. Winchester, Simon (1998). The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Harpers, p. 106.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named listserv.uh.edu
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
  6. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Citation/CS1/Suggestions' not found.
  7. "[Nupedia-l] Nupedia's wiki: try it out". 2003-04-25. Archived from the original on 25 April 2003. Retrieved 2023-08-21. 
  8. "China Blocks Wikipedia Across All Language Editions". ooni.org. Retrieved 17 September 2024. 
  9. "Wikipedia Currently Down in China". thatsmags.com. Retrieved 17 September 2024.