Timeline of hematology

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This is a timeline of hematology, listing important events in the development of the field.

Big picture

Time period Development summary
Ancient history “Blood letting” instruments are used is Ancient Egypt.[1]
17th century Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, using a primitive, single-lens microscope, already observes red blood cells (erythrocytes) and compared their size with that of a grain of sand.[2]
18th century English physiologist William Hewson is considered to be the "father of hematology". Hewson manages to amplify the description of red cells and demonstrates the role of fibrin in the clotting (coagulation) of blood.[3][2]
19th century Bone marrow is recognized as the site of blood-cell formation in the 19th century, along with the first clinical descriptions of pernicious anemia, leukemia, and a number of other disorders of the blood.[2]
20th century The discovery of the ABO blood group system in the first quarter of the 20th century makes possible the transfusion of blood from one person to another without the serious ill effects that ensue when incompatible blood is given. The study of the blood disease anemia gains impetus from the introduction of the hematocrit, an apparatus for determining the volume of red blood cells as compared with the volume of plasma, and the introduction in 1932 of a simple method of measuring the volume and hemoglobin. After World War II, the field of hematology broadens.[2] In the 1950s, plastic intra venous tubing replaces rubber tubing.[4] In the 1970s, the combination of several observational studies identifying a possible role for prophylactic platelet transfusion in hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia and the discovery that platelets are best stored at room temperature with gentle agitation to preserve function allow for the proliferation of platelet transfusions as part of standard management of patients receiving chemotherapy.[5] In the 1980s, the emergence of HIV renews impetus for development of infection-safe blood substitutes.[6]

Full timeline

Year Event type Details Location
3255 BC The oldest intact red blood cells ever discovered are found in Ötzi, a natural mummy of a man who died around that time.[7]
460 BC – 377 BC Greek physician Hippocrates teaches the humoral theory, a hypothetical system to explain illness in which balance equals health, and excess or deficiency equals illness.[1] Greece
1616 English physician William Harvey discovers blood pathways. Since then many people try to use fluids such as beer, urine, milk, and non-human animal blood as blood substitute.[8] United Kingdom
1628 English physician William Harvey introduces the controversial of circulation.[1] United Kingdom
1642 Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek constructs a microscope and distinguishes blood cells.[1] Netherlands
1656 English anatomist Christopher Wren gives the first intravenous injection in animals.[1] United Kingdom
1658 Dutch biologist Jan Swammerdam first describes red blood cells by means of the use of an early microscope to study the blood of a frog.
1662 J. C. Major gives the first intravenous injection in humans.[1]
1665 English physician Richard Lower performs the first documented blood transfusionusing dogs and notes a color difference between veins and arteries.[5][1] United Kingdom
1667 French physician Jean-Baptiste Denys and Richard Lower separately report giving the first human blood transfusion with blood fromlambs. Within 10 years, transfusing the blood of animals to humans becomes prohibited by law, delaying transfusion advances for about 150 years.[1] France, United Kingdom
1674 Anton van Leeuwenhoek provides a more precise description of red blood cells, even approximating their size, "25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand". Netherlands
1770 Field development British surgeon William Hewson describes leukocytes and some essential clottingfactors. Hewson becomes known as “the father of hematology.”[1]
1795 Field development American physician Philip Syng Physick claims to perform the first human-to-human blood transfusion, although he does not publish this information.[1]
1818 Field development James Blundell completes the first successful human blood transfusion in a series of eight women to manage postpartum hemorrhage. Between 1825 and 1830, Blundell performs ten transfusions, five of which prove beneficial to his patients, and publishes these results. He also devises various instruments for performing transfusions and proposes rational indications.[9][5][4][1]
1821 – 1902 Field development "Rudolph Virchow, during a long and illustrious career, demonstrates the importance of fibrin in the blood coagulation process, coins the terms embolism and thrombosis, identifies the disease leukemia, and theorizes that leukocytes are made in response to inflammation."
1830 The gold-plated steel needle for intravenous use is invented.[4]
1840 Field development English surgeon Samuel Armstrong Lane performs the first successful whole blood transfusion to treat hemophilia.[10][11][12][13] United Kingdom
1842 Field development Alexandre Donne identifies platelets.[14][15]
1867 "English surgeon Joseph Lister uses antiseptics to control infectionduring transfusions."[1]
1877 "Paul Ehrlich develops techniques to stain blood cells to improve microscopic visualization."[16]
1897 "The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood contains a 20-page chapter on diseases of the blood and is the first American pediatric medical textbook to provide significant hematologic information."[16]
1901 Field development Austrian biologist Karl Landsteiner and his associates define the different blood groups: A, B, AB, and O.[17][18][19][20]
1904 Literature Folia Haematologica is established in Germany. It is the first hematology journal in the world.[21] Germany
1907 Field development "Ludvig Hektoen suggests that the safety of transfusion might be improved by crossmatching blood between donors and patients to exclude incompatible mixtures. Reuben Ottenberg performs the first blood transfusion using blood typing and crossmatching in New York. Ottenberg also observes the Mendelian inheritance of blood groups and recognizes the “universal” utility of group O donors."[16]
1910 Field development The first clinical description of sickle cell disease is published.
1910 Field development Transfusions are recognized as successful therapeutic hemostatic intervensions when Duke notes that they reduce the bleeding time.[5]
1914 Field development American scientist, Richard Lewisohn, discovers that sodium citrate can be added to blood to stop it clotting.[22][20][16]
1918 Field development The use of blood plasma as a substitute for whole blood and for transfusion purposes is proposed by Gordon R. Ward. The use of blood plasma as a substitute for whole blood and for transfusion purposes was proposed in the same year, in the correspondence columns of the British Medical Journal. United Kingdom
1920 Field development The investigation of the role of food substances in the production of red blood cells is launched. It would lead to discovery of the beneficial effects of liver extract in treating pernicious anemia and ultimately to the discovery of vitamin B12, the anti-anemic principle of liver.[2]
1920 Literature Journal Haematologica is first published.[23][24] It is the second in the world to be released.[21] Italy
1924 Literature Pediatrics becomes the first comprehensive American publication on pediatric hematology.[16]
1925 Field development Canadian physician Alfred P. Hart introduces exsanguination ("exchange") transfusion to treat severe neonatal jaundice.[25][26][27][16]
1925 Field development American pediatrician Thomas Benton Cooley describes a Mediterranean hematologic syndrome of anemia, erythroblastosis, skeletal disorders, and splenomegaly that is later called Cooley’s anemia and now thalassemia.[16]
1927 Organization The French Society of Hematology is formed. It is the first hematology organization in the world.[21] France
1927 Literature Journal La Sang is released in France.[21] France
1932 Field development A simple method of measuring the volume and hemoglobin is introduced.[2]
1933 Field development The formation of cryoprecipitate is first observed in relation to a patient with multiple myeloma.[28]
1936 Organization The World's first blood bank opens in Chicago.[29][30][20] United States
1936 Field development American hematologist John H. Lawrence of the University of California, Berkeley introduces phosphorus-32 for the treatment of leukemia.[31][32][33] United States
1937 Organization The Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH) is founded in Kyoto. It is the second hematology organization in the world.[34][21] Japan
1937 Field development Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Wiener identify the Rh factor in blood.[10]
1938 Literature Journal Acta Haematologica Japonica is established. In 1991, it would be renamed International Journal of Hematology.[21] Japan
1938 "Dr. Louis Diamond (known as the “father of American pediatric hematology”) along with Dr. Kenneth Blackfan describes the anemia still known as Diamond-Blackfan anemia."[16]
1941 Literature Blackfan, Diamond, and Leister publish The Atlas of the Blood of Children.[16]
1945 "Coombs, Mourant, and Race describe the use of antihuman globulin (later known as the “Coombs Test”) to identify “incomplete” antibodies."[16]
1946 Literature Journal Blood is established by William Dameshek.[35]
1947 Field development Lerner and Watson introduce the term "cryoglobulin", demonstrating the reversibility of the phenomenon when the sera are heated to 37°C.[28]
1950s Field development "The “butterfly” needle and intercath are developed, making IV access easier and safer."[16]
1950 Organization The Society for Hematology and Stem Cells is founded by a group of scientists for the presentation and discussion of experimental hematology pre-clinical data.[36]
1954 "The blood product cryoprecipitate is developed to treat bleeds in people with hemophilia."[16]
1954 Peterman and Braunsteiner report cryoprecipitates of immunoglobulins with different sedimentation rates, thus introducing the concept of "mixed cryoglobulinaemia".[28]
1955 Literature The British Journal of Haematology is launched.[37][38] United Kingdom
1958 Organization The American Society of Hematology is founded.[39][40] United States
1959 Field development Austrian-born British molecular biologist Max Perutz uses X-ray crystallography to determine the overall structure of hemoglobin.[41][42][43][44]
1959 Organization The Japanese Society of Clinical Hematology is established in Tokyo.[21] Japan
1960 Organization The British Society for Haematology is founded.[45] United Kingdom
1961 Researchers identify role of platelets in treating cancer patients.[46][20]
1962 " The first antihemophilic factor concentrate to treat coagulation disorders in hemophilia patients is developed through fractionation."[16]
1962 Researchers at CSL Behring develop a new plasma fractionation method that provides significantly better yields of the valuable proteins isolated from human plasma.[47]
1962 Platelet transfusion begins to be used more routinely, especially in cancer patients when the relationship between thrombocytopenia and hemorrage is noted.[5]
1969 "S. Murphy and F. Gardner demonstrate the feasibility of storing platelets at room temperature, revolutionizing platelet transfusion therapy."[16]
1971 Field development Testing blood for Hepatitis B is first conducted in the United States.[20][16] United States
1972 Literature Journal Experimental Hematology is launched by the International Society for Experimental Hematology, incorporated the same year as the continuation of the Society for Hematology and Stem Cells.[48]
1972 American medical technologist Herb Cullis invents the apheresis machine, which is used to extract one cellular component, returning the rest of the blood to the donor.[49][16] United States
1974 Literature Davis Nathan and Stuart Oski publish Hematology of Infancy and Childhood.[16]
1975 Literature Journal Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases is established.[50]
1976 Literature The American Journal of Hematology is established.[51] United States
1977 Field development Kitamura first observes that mast cells are derived from hematopoietic stem cells shown by transplantation of bone marrow cells from mutant mice.[21] Japan
1977 Field development Miyake et al first purify erythropoietin.[21] Japan
1981 Organization The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology is founded.[52][53] United States
1983 Field development Doctors in France and the United States discover the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[20] United States, France
1986 Field development Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is cloned independently in Japan.[21] Japan
1987 The United States Food and Drug Administration approves the use of azidothymidine (AZT) to treat HIV.[20] United States
1987 Literature Journal Blood Reviews is established.[54]
1990s Field development Recombinant factor replacement products are used to treat hemophilia.[20]
1990 Literature Peer-reviewed medical journal Platelets is first issued.[55]
1992 Organization The International Society for Laboratory Hematology is founded by an international group of laboratory professionals in order to chart new directions for laboratory hematology.[56]
1992 Organization The European Hematology Association is founded in Brussels. Belgium
2008 Literature Journal Expert Review of Hematology is released.[57]
2008 Literature Open Hematology Journal

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by User:Sebastian.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

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What the timeline is still missing

[1], [2], [3]

Timeline update strategy

See also

External links


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 "Timeline of Major Hematology Landmarks". scribd.com. Retrieved 20 September 2018. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 "Hematology". britannica.com. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  3. Doyle, D. "William Hewson (1739-74): the father of haematology.". PMID 16643443. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2141.2006.06037.x. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Vincent, Jean-Louis; Abraham, Edward; Kochanek, Patrick; Moore, Frederick A.; Fink, Mitchell P. Textbook of Critical Care E-Book. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Platelets in Thrombotic and Non-Thrombotic Disorders: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics: an Update (Paolo Gresele, Neal S. Kleiman, José A. Lopez, Clive P. Page ed.). 
  6. Squires JE (2002). "Artificial blood". Science. 295 (5557): 1002–5. PMID 11834811. doi:10.1126/science.1068443. 
  7. "'Iceman' Mummy Holds World's Oldest Blood Cells". livescience.com. Retrieved 20 September 2018. 
  8. Sarkar, S. (2008). "Artificial Blood". Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 12 (3): 140–144. PMC 2738310Freely accessible. PMID 19742251. doi:10.4103/0972-5229.43685. 
  9. Simmers, Louise M; Simmers-Nartker, Karen; Simmers-Kobelak, Sharon. DHO Health Science Updated. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 BPI. Inventions & Discoveries. 
  11. Hemolytic Anemia. 
  12. Madbak, Firas. Bridge Across the Abyss: Medical Myths and Misconceptions. 
  13. Chang, Anne. Magill's Medical Guide: Down syndrome-Laser use in surgery. 
  14. Sir William Osler: An Annotated Bibliography with Illustrations (Richard L. Golden, Charles G. Roland ed.). 
  15. Hematology. 
  16. DK. 1000 Inventions and Discoveries. 
  17. Van Luven, Lynne; Page, Kathy. In the Flesh: Twenty Writers Explore the Body. 
  18. Hillyer, Christopher D. Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine: Basic Principles & Practice. 
  19. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 "What is Hematology? - Definition & History". study.com. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  20. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 "Hematology in Japan: past, present and future". healio.com. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  21. Evans, R. Paul; Wilkinson, Alf. WJEC Eduqas GCSE History: Changes in Health and Medicine in Britain, c.500 to the present day. 
  22. Ascari, Edoardo. "The history of Haematologica". PMC 4281305Freely accessible. PMID 25552676. 
  23. "About Haematologica". haematologica.org. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  24. Shorter, Edward. Partnership for Excellence: Medicine at the University of Toronto and Academic Hospitals. 
  25. Klossner, N. Jayne. Introductory Maternity Nursing, Volume 1. 
  26. Cone, Thomas E. History of American Pediatrics. 
  27. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Oxford Textbook of Vasculitis (Gene V. Ball, Barri J. Fessler, S. Louis Bridges ed.). 
  28. "Blood Banking and Donation". hematology.org. Retrieved 8 September 2018. 
  29. "THE TIMELINE: BLOOD DONATION". independent.co.uk. Retrieved 8 September 2018. 
  30. Marks, Geoffrey; Beatty, William K. The Precious Metals of Medicine. 
  31. Oreskes, Naomi; Krige, John. Science and Technology in the Global Cold War. 
  32. Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Sciences (Dale L. Bailey, David W. Townsend, Peter E. Valk, Michael N. Maisey ed.). 
  33. "Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH)". ishworld.org. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  34. "About Blood". bloodjournal.org. Retrieved 20 September 2018. 
  35. "Society for Hematology and Stem Cells". omicsonline.org. Retrieved 10 September 2018. 
  36. Goldman, Lawrence. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2005-2008. 
  37. Harrison, Brian; Aston, Trevor Henry. The History of the University of Oxford: Volume VIII: The Twentieth Century. 
  38. "American Society of Hematology sponsors high school symposium at San Diego annual meeting". eurekalert.org. Retrieved 8 September 2018. 
  39. Silver, Samuel M. "The American Society of Hematology: Advancing Knowledge and Treatment of Blood Disorders". PMC 2793577Freely accessible. PMID 29447514. 
  40. Rezende, Lisa. Chronology of Science. 
  41. Lee, W. David; Drazen, Jeffrey; Sharp, Phillip A.; Langer, Robert S. From X-rays to DNA: How Engineering Drives Biology. 
  42. Lee, W. David; Drazen, Jeffrey; Sharp, Phillip A.; Langer, Robert S. From X-rays to DNA: How Engineering Drives Biology. 
  43. Zecchina, Adriano; Califano, Salvatore. The Development of Catalysis: A History of Key Processes and Personas in Catalytic Science and Technology. 
  44. "British Society for Haematology (BSH)". emedevents.com. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  45. Moticka, Edward J. A Historical Perspective on Evidence-Based Immunology. 
  46. "CSL Behring" (PDF). bstquarterly.com. Retrieved 25 September 2018. 
  47. Fagan, Melinda. Philosophy of Stem Cell Biology: Knowledge in Flesh and Blood. 
  48. "A Brief History of Apheresis Platelet Collection at the Western Province Blood Transfusion Service" (PDF). http://sabloodcongress.org. Retrieved 25 September 2018.  External link in |website= (help)
  49. "BLOOD CELLS, MOLECULES, AND DISEASES: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE". kundoc.com. Retrieved 10 September 2018. 
  50. "The American Journal of Hematology turns 40". onlinelibrary.wiley.com. Retrieved 10 September 2018. 
  51. Maurer, Harold M.; Ruymann, Frederick B.; Pochedly, Carl E. Rhabdomyosarcoma and Related Tumors in Children and Adolescents. 
  52. Pochedly, Carl E. Neuroblastoma. 
  53. "Blood Reviews". bloodreviews.com. Retrieved 7 September 2018. 
  54. "Platelets: The end of an era, start of a new beginning". tandfonline.com. Retrieved 20 September 2018. 
  55. "International Society for Laboratory Hematology". islh.org. Retrieved 10 September 2018. 
  56. "Expert Review of Hematology". tandfonline.com. Retrieved 8 September 2018.