Timeline of borderline personality disorder

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Year Month and date Event type Details
2015 December 22 Research A study investigates the impact of BPD on obstetrical and neonatal outcomes. Conducted from 2003 to 2012, it analyzes 989 births to women with BPD. Findings reveal that women with BPD, often younger and of lower socioeconomic status, faced increased risks during pregnancy, including gestational diabetes, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, venous thromboembolism, caesarian delivery, and preterm birth. Notably, BPD is not linked with postpartum hemorrhage or instrumental delivery and is negatively associated with induction of labor. The study emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring pregnant women with BPD to mitigate adverse outcomes through multidisciplinary care.[1]
2022 February 26 Research A systematic review and meta-analysis investigates the prevalence of BPD and borderline personality features (BPF) during the perinatal period. Conducted by Divya Prasad and colleagues, the study examines 16 publications, including 14 research articles and 2 conference abstracts, gathered from PubMed, PsycINFO, and Embase. Among non-clinical samples, BPF prevalence during pregnancy ranges from 6.9% to 26.7%, while BPD rates across the perinatal period ranges from 0.7% to 1.7%. Clinical samples exhibit higher rates, with BPF and BPD ranging from 9.7% to 34% and 2.0% to 35.2%, respectively. The meta-analysis reveal a pooled BPD prevalence of 14.0% (95% CI [7.0, 22.0]) among clinical perinatal samples, indicating a significant prevalence of borderline personality pathology. The review underscores the importance of validated screening methods for identifying and treating BPD in the perinatal population.[2]

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by FIXME.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

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What the timeline is still missing

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See also

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  1. Pare-Miron, Valerie; Czuzoj-Shulman, Nicholas; Oddy, Lisa; Spence, Andrea R.; Abenhaim, Haim Arie (2016). "Effect of Borderline Personality Disorder on Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes". Women's Health Issues: Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. 26 (2): 190–195. ISSN 1878-4321. doi:10.1016/j.whi.2015.11.001. 
  2. Prasad, Divya; Kuhathasan, Nirushi; de Azevedo Cardoso, Taiane; Suh, Jee Su; Frey, Benicio N. (April 2022). "The prevalence of borderline personality features and borderline personality disorder during the perinatal period: a systematic review and meta-analysis". Archives of Women's Mental Health. 25 (2): 277–289. ISSN 1435-1102. doi:10.1007/s00737-022-01218-8.