Timeline of migration-related nongovernmental organizations in the United States

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This page provides a timeline of major organizations not affiliated with the United States government, that deal with migration-related matters for the United States. Some of them have a more global focus. The list includes:

  • Think tanks for research or advocacy, on any side of the issue (for migration, against migration, for more selective migration, etc.)
  • Research or advocacy centers in existing universities or think tanks
  • Legal resource groups (that provide legal information and services to migrants, potential migrants, and those related to them)
  • Grassroots/community organizing efforts
  • Mailing lists, websites, and other forums where people congregate to discuss these issues

Full timeline

Year Month and date (if available) Event type Organization type Details
1946 October 14 Launch Professional association The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) launches.[1]
1979 January 2 Launch Restrictionist think tank The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) launches. John Tanton plays a key founding role.
1979 Launch Pro-immigrant advocacy think tank The wikipedia:National Immigration Law Center (NILC), an organization dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants in the United States, launches.[2]
1985 Launch Restrictionist think tank The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a think tank with the tagline "low-immigration, pro-immigrant", is founded.[3]
1987 Launch Pro-immigrant advocacy think tank The American Immigration Council (AIC), a nonprofit that does immigration research and promotes pro-immigration and pro-immigrant policies in the United States, launches.[4]
1999 March Launch Academic research center The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS), a center that focuses on global migration, including migration to and from North America, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region, launches at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) under Dr. Wayne Cornelius.[5]
1999 Launch Restrictionist website VDARE, a website covering United States politics and culture, and with a focus on advocating for reduced immigration to the United States, is launched.[6]
2001 Launch Research think tank The Migration Policy Institute (MPI), a think tank focused on analysis of migration worldwide, is founded in Washington, D.C. by Demetrios G. Papademetriou and Kathleen Newland.[7]
2006 Launch Academic research center The International Migration Institute is founded at Oxford University.[8]


  1. "About AILA". American Immigration Lawyers Association. Archived from the original on 2012-03-06. Retrieved 2012-03-07. 
  2. "What We Do". National Immigration Law Center. Retrieved March 28, 2017. 
  3. "About the Center for Immigration Studies". Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved March 28, 2017. 
  4. "About the American Immigration Council: Honoring our Immigrant Past, Shaping our Immigrant Future". American Immigration Council. Retrieved March 28, 2017. 
  5. "About CCIS". Retrieved March 28, 2017. 
  6. Sanneh, Kalefa (July 24, 2013). "A Sermon on Race from National Review". The New Yorker. Retrieved May 20, 2015. 
  7. "Mission". Migration Policy Institute. Retrieved March 28, 2017. 
  8. "History of IMI". Retrieved May 28, 2014.