Timeline of Wei Dai publications

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This is a timeline of Wei Dai publications. The timeline takes a broad view of publications that includes blog posts and mailing list posts.

Big picture

Venue Time period Details
Cypherpunks 1994–1996
everything-list 1998–2010
Extropians 2002–2003
SL4 2002–2008
LessWrong 2009–present

Full timeline

Comment counts are as of February 15, 2018.

For mailing list posts, the main inclusion criterion is that the initial post in a thread is made by Wei. This will probably miss some substantive posts in other threads, but I'm not sure how to quickly identify those posts without spending much more time.

Year Month and date Format Venue Title Summary Comment count Word count
1994 August 19 Email Cypherpunks "trusted time stamping", "timestamp.c", "timestamp.c mangled"
1995 January 12 Email Cypherpunks "analysis of RemailerNet"
1995 January 12 Email Cypherpunks "time stamping service (again)"
1995 January 19 Email Cypherpunks "traffic analyzing Chaum's digital mix"
1995 January 24 Email Cypherpunks "analysis of Chaum's MIX continued"
1995 February 6 Email Cypherpunks "a simple explanation of DC-Net"
1995 February 7 Email Cypherpunks "a new way to do anonymity"
1995 February 9 Email Cypherpunks "LESM - Link Encrypted Session Manager"
1995 February 10 Email Cypherpunks "law vs technology"
1995 September 6 Email Cypherpunks "fast modular reduction"
1995 September 10 Email Cypherpunks "question about reputation"
1995 October 5 Email Cypherpunks "subjective names and MITM"
1995 October 8 Email Cypherpunks "anonymous cash without blinding"
1995 October 16 Email Cypherpunks "transaction costs in anonymous markets"
1995 October 21 Email Cypherpunks "Encrypted TCP Tunneler"
1995 October 26 Email Cypherpunks "idle CPU markets"
1995 November 4 Email Cypherpunks "Crypto++ 1.1"
1995 November 10 Email Cypherpunks "Diffie-Hellman in GF(2^n)?"
1995 November 21 Email Cypherpunks "towards a theory of reputation"
1995 November 23 Email Cypherpunks "generating provable primes"
1995 December 18 Email Cypherpunks "wish list for Crypto++?"
1996 February 5 Email Cypherpunks "Disperse/Collect version 1.0" Announces release of software that helps with sending large files.
1996 February 13 Email Cypherpunks "Crypto++ 2.0 beta"
1996 February 20 Email Cypherpunks "ANNOUNCE: Crypto++ 2.0"
1996 March 23 Email Cypherpunks "Java questions"
1996 May 11 Email Cypherpunks, Coderpunks "Crypto++ 2.1"
1996 July 29 Email Cypherpunks "game theory"
1996 September 9 Email Cypherpunks "papers on anonymous protocols"
1997 February 3 Email Cypherpunks "what's in a name?"
1997 March 21 Email Cypherpunks "'why privacy' revisited"
1997 March 26 Email Cypherpunks "game theoretic analysis of junk mail"
1997 March 27 Email Cypherpunks "junk mail analysis, part 2"
1997 April 8 Email Cypherpunks "some arguments for privacy"
1997 April 12 Email Cypherpunks "anonymous credit"
1997 September 18 Email Cypherpunks "sooner or later" Assuming a crypto ban is inevitable, the message explores why an earlier ban may be preferable to cypherpunks.
1997 September 20 Email Extropians "copying related probability question"
1997 September 22 Email Cypherpunks "encouraging digital pseudonyms"
1998 January 6 Email Cypherpunks "cypherpunks and guns"
1998 January 15 Email "ANNOUNCE: the 'everything' mailing list" The email announces the launch of everything-list.
1998 January 19 Email everything-list "basic questions"
1998 January 19 Email Cypherpunks "PipeNet description"
1998 January 26 Email everything-list "continous universes"
1998 January 28 Email everything-list "lost in the many worlds"
1998 February 11 Email everything-list "relative state and decoherence"
1998 February 11 Email everything-list "experimentation"
1998 February 16 Email Cypherpunks "payment mix"
1998 February 18 Email everything-list "predictions"
1998 February 21 Email everything-list "another paradox and a solution"
1998 March 15 Email everything-list "probability and decision theory"
1998 April 14 Email everything-list "a baysian solution"
1998 April 16 Email everything-list "the one universe"
1998 May 28 Email everything-list "momentary and persistent minds"
1998 June 9 Email everything-list "possibilities for I and Q"
1998 November? Text file "b-money" This document proposes b-money. It would eventually be cited in the bitcoin whitepaper. Discussion on Cypherpunks takes place starting in December.[1]
1998 November 26 Email Cypherpunks "PipeNet 1.1 and b-money"
1999 January 9 Email everything-list "information content of measures"
1999 January 14 Email everything-list "consciousness based on information or computation?"
1999 January 15 Email everything-list "book recommendation" The message recommends Li and Vitanyi's An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications to everyone on the mailing list.
1999 April 1 Email everything-list "all of me or one of me"
1999 June 1 Email everything-list "practical reasoning and strong SSA"
1999 June 7 Email everything-list "why is death painful?"
1999 July 12 Email everything-list "philosophical frameworks"
1999 July 12 Email everything-list "minimal theory of consciousness"
2001 January 23 Email everything-list "Oracle by Greg Egan"
2001 February 15 Email everything-list "no need for anthropic reasoning"
2001 February 28 Email everything-list "another anthropic reasoning paradox"
2001 December 20 Email everything-list "relevance of the real measure"
2002 April 17 Email everything-list "decision theory papers" Introduces two decision theory papers to the list.
2002 May 3 Email SL4 "supergoal stability"
2002 May 23 Email everything-list "JOINING posts"
2002 June 14 Email everything-list, Extropians "self-sampling assumption is incorrect"
2002 August 11 Email everything-list "a framework for multiverse decision theory"
2002 August 12 Email everything-list "modal logic and possible worlds"
2002 August 13 Email everything-list "SIA and the presumptuous philosopher"
2002 December 31 Email SL4 "moral symmetry"
2003 February 20 Email Extropians "IRAQ: cost of inspections"
2003 May 8 Email Extropians "a market approach to terrorism"
2003 August 5 Email Extropians "a simulated utilitarian"
2003 December 31 Email SL4 "'friendly' humans?"
2004 January 24 Email everything-list "recommended books" A list of books that are relevant for understanding topics discussed on the mailing list.
2004 March 27 Email SL4 "escape from simulation"
2004 April 19 Email everything-list "conversation with a Bayesian"
2004 June 28 Email SL4 "dream qualia"
2004 October 23 Email SL4 "SIAI's direction"
2005 July 13 Email everything-list "is induction unformalizable?"
2005 August 24 Email SL4 "uncertainty in mathematics"
2005 September 11 Email SL4 "mathematical reasoning"
2006 March 29 Email everything-list "proper behavior for a mathematical substructure"
2006 April 9 Email everything-list "why can't we erase information?"
2007 September 26 Email everything-list "against UD+ASSA, part 1"
2007 September 26 Email everything-list "against UD+ASSA, part 2"
2007 November 1 Email SL4 "how to do something with really small probability?"
2007 November 10 Email SL4 "answers I'd like from an SI"
2007 November 13 Email SL4 "answers I'd like, part 2"
2008 July 14 Email SL4 "prove your source code"
2008 July 16 Email SL4 "trade or merge?"
2008 September 7 Email SL4 "Bayesian rationality vs. voluntary mergers"
2009 April 7 Blog post LessWrong "Newcomb's Problem vs. One-Shot Prisoner's Dilemma" 15
2009 May 7 Blog post LessWrong "Epistemic vs. Instrumental Rationality: Case of the Leaky Agent" 19
2009 June 7 Blog post LessWrong "indexical uncertainty and the Axiom of Independence" 70
2009 July 16 Blog post LessWrong "Fair Division of Black-Hole Negentropy: an Introduction to Cooperative Game Theory" 34
2009 July 17 Blog post LessWrong "The Popularization Bias" 53
2009 July 23 Blog post LessWrong "The Nature of Offense" 173
2009 July 26 Blog post LessWrong "The Second Best" 53
2009 July 31 Blog post LessWrong "An Alternative Approach to AI Cooperation" 25
2009 August 13 Blog post LessWrong "Towards a New Decision Theory" This post introduces what would be called updateless decision theory (UDT). 142
2009 September 3 Blog post LessWrong "Torture vs. Dust vs. the Presumptuous Philosopher: Anthropic Reasoning in UDT" 28
2009 September 16 Blog post LessWrong "The Absent-Minded Driver" 141
2009 September 24 Blog post LessWrong "Boredom vs. Scope Insensitivity" 38
2009 September 26 Blog post LessWrong "Non-Malthusian Scenarios" 88
2009 October 2 Blog post LessWrong "Scott Aaronson on Born Probabilities" 7
2009 October 13 Blog post LessWrong "Anticipation vs. Faith: At What Cost Rationality?" 105
2009 October 20 Blog post LessWrong "Why the beliefs/values dichotomy?" 153
2009 November 3 Blog post LessWrong "Re-understanding Robin Hanson’s 'Pre-Rationality'" 18
2009 November 9 Blog post LessWrong "Reflections on Pre-Rationality" 30
2009 November 16 Blog post LessWrong "Why (and why not) Bayesian Updating?" 26
2009 November 24 Blog post LessWrong "Agree, Retort, or Ignore? A Post From the Future" 87
2009 November 30 Blog post LessWrong "The Moral Status of Independent Identical Copies" 71
2009 December 10 Blog post LessWrong "Probability Space & Aumann Agreement" 71
2009 December 11 Blog post LessWrong "What Are Probabilities, Anyway?" 78
2009 December 29 Blog post LessWrong "A Master-Slave Model of Human Preferences" 80
2010 January 8 Blog post LessWrong "Fictional Evidence vs. Fictional Insight" 43
2010 January 15 Blog post LessWrong "The Preference Utilitarian’s Time Inconsistency Problem" 104
2010 January 17 Blog post LessWrong "Tips and Tricks for Answering Hard Questions" 52
2010 January 24 Blog post LessWrong "Value Uncertainty and the Singleton Scenario" 28
2010 January 30 Blog post LessWrong "Complexity of Value ≠ Complexity of Outcome" 198
2010 February 9 Blog post LessWrong "Shut Up and Divide?" 258
2010 February 19 Blog post LessWrong "Explicit Optimization of Global Strategy (Fixing a Bug in UDT1)" 38
2010 March 2 Blog post LessWrong "Individual vs. Group Epistemic Rationality" 54
2010 March 14 Email everything-list "everything-list and the Singularity" Notes the connection between the modal realism and Singularity communities, and introduces LessWrong to everything-list.
2010 March 19 Blog post LessWrong "Think Before You Speak (And Signal It)" 39
2010 April 4 Blog post LessWrong "Late Great Filter Is Not Bad News" 75
2010 April 8 Blog post LessWrong "Frequentist Magic vs. Bayesian Magic 79
2010 June 3 Blog post LessWrong "Hacking the CEV for Fun and Profit" 194
2010 July 27 Blog post LessWrong "Metaphilosophical Mysteries" 255
2011 January 8 Blog post LessWrong "Why do some kinds of work not feel like work?" 21
2011 February 5 Blog post LessWrong "Another Argument Against Eliezer's Meta-Ethics" 35
2011 February 7 Blog post LessWrong "What does a calculator mean by '2'?" 29
2011 February 14 Blog post LessWrong "Why Do We Engage in Moral Simplification?" 35
2011 March 11 Blog post LessWrong "A Thought Experiment on Pain as a Moral Disvalue" 41
2011 May 3 Blog post LessWrong "[link] Whole Brain Emulation and the Evolution of Superorganisms" 7
2011 May 22 Blog post LessWrong "How To Be More Confident... That You're Wrong" 24
2011 May 24 Blog post LessWrong "LessWrong Power Reader (Greasemonkey script, updated)" 26
2011 June 13 Blog post LessWrong "What do bad clothes signal about you?" 78
2011 July 6 Blog post LessWrong "Outline of possible Singularity scenarios (that are not completely disastrous)" 40
2011 July 13 Blog post LessWrong "Some Thoughts on Singularity Strategies" 29
2011 July 17 Blog post LessWrong "Experiment: Psychoanalyze Me" 12
2011 July 24 Blog post LessWrong "What if sympathy depends on anthropomorphizing?" 16
2011 July 27 Blog post LessWrong "What's wrong with simplicity of value?" 37
2011 August 22 Blog post LessWrong "Do we want more publicity, and if so how?" 54
2011 September 28 Blog post LessWrong "Wanted: backup plans for 'seed AI turns out to be easy'" 62
2011 November 18 Blog post LessWrong "Where do selfish values come from?" 57
2012 March 21 Blog post LessWrong "A Problem About Bargaining and Logical Uncertainty" 45
2012 March 22 Blog post LessWrong "Modest Superintelligences" 88
2012 April 11 Blog post LessWrong "against 'AI risk'" 89
2012 April 12 Blog post LessWrong "Reframing the Problem of AI Progress" 47
2012 April 18 Blog post LessWrong "How can we get more and better LW contrarians?" 328
2012 May 10 Blog post LessWrong "Strong intutions. Weak arguments. What to do?" 45
2012 May 12 Blog post LessWrong "Neuroimaging as alternative/supplement to cryonics?" 68
2012 May 16 Blog post LessWrong "How can we ensure that a Friendly AI team will be sane enough?" 64
2012 June 6 Blog post LessWrong "List of Problems That Motivated UDT" 11
2012 June 6 Blog post LessWrong "Open Problems Related to Solomonoff Induction" 103
2012 July 21 Blog post LessWrong "Work on Security Instead of Friendliness?" 103
2012 August 13 Blog post LessWrong "Cynical explanations of FAI critics (including myself)" 49
2012 August 16 Blog post LessWrong "Kelly Criteria and Two Envelopes" 1
2012 September 12 Blog post LessWrong "Under-acknowledged Value Differences" 68
2012 October 8 Blog post LessWrong "Reasons for someone to 'ignore' you" 55
2012 December 18 Blog post LessWrong "Ontological Crisis in Humans" 67
2012 December 20 Blog post LessWrong "Beware Selective Nihilism" 46
2012 December 26 Blog post LessWrong "Morality Isn't Logical" 85
2013 January 11 Blog post LessWrong "How to signal curiosity?" 52
2013 January 18 Blog post LessWrong "Outline of Possible Sources of Values" 28
2013 April 23 Blog post LessWrong "Normativity and Meta-Philosophy" 55
2013 July 17 Blog post LessWrong "Three Approaches to 'Friendliness'" 84
2013 August 28 Blog post LessWrong "Outside View(s) and MIRI's FAI Endgame" 60
2014 July 19 Blog post LessWrong "Look for the Next Tech Gold Rush?" 113
2014 August 6 Blog post LessWrong "Six Plausible Meta-Ethical Alternatives" 36
2014 August 13 Blog post LessWrong "What is the difference between rationality and intelligence?" 52
2014 October 21 Blog post LessWrong "Is the potential astronomical waste in our universe too small to care about?" 14
2015 June 6 Blog post LessWrong "[link] Baidu cheats in an AI contest in order to gain a 0.24% advantage" 32
2016 December 8 Blog post LessWrong "Combining Prediction Technologies to Help Moderate Discussions" 15
2017 September 5 Blog post LessWrong "Online discussion is better than pre-publication peer review" 25
2018 March 10 Blog post LessWrong "Multiplicity of 'enlightenment' states and contemplative practices"

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by Issa Rice.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

Feedback and comments

Feedback for the timeline can be provided at the following places:


What the timeline is still missing

Timeline update strategy

See also

External links


  1. Adam Back (December 5, 1998). "Wei Dei's "b-money" protocol". Retrieved February 16, 2018.