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A detailed account of membership statistics of cryonics organisations has been compiled in the Google Sheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CW5tyCLp-jGT4ta4k1esDaw-I2eKd7rcI7jhcQEk4NE/ Cryonic members statistics] (although not all organisations share all, or any of their membership statistics). A detailed account of patient statistics has been compiled in the Google Sheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Ix7iocvo5WdNgtC3MSkYlyysV95_TrJjK87Z371FrY/ Cryonic patients statistics]. The membership and patient statistics should be updated at the beginning of every year, after the publication of the statistics from last year.
All those external lists are editable, and everyone is encouraged to contribute to them. They are all available in the Google Folder [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zRQIIVmh8Io-Ao5HZV1UtzkWTY61wbFI Cryonics Statistics]. [[User:Mati Roy|Mati Roy]] created and is maintaining all of those Google Sheets. Most of the membership statistics were entered from by someone anonymous.
A list of papers tracking the development of cryonics is tracked in the GitHub repository [https://github.com/RomanPlusPlus/scientific-progress-towards-cryonics Scientific progress towards cryonics], and is currently maintained by Roman.