→Table of timelines
The "Total payment" column below counts only task-specific payments. If the timeline was written under a stipend, the actual cost could be higher. Funding information is taken from [https://contractwork.vipulnaik.com/format.php?format=Timeline Vipul Naik's contract work portal]. See also the [https://contractwork.vipulnaik.com/venue.php?venue=Timelines+wiki venue page for Timelines Wiki], which lists only work that appeared first on Timelines Wiki (i.e. does not include the work that first appeared on Wikipedia).
The "Monthly pageviews" comes from Google Analytics and reports the average monthly pageviews (normalized to 30 days). The pageviews are calculated from at most 12 months of data (i.e. it is the last min{12, number of months since page creation} months worth of pageviews data), and also only include pageviews since May 1, 2023 (which is the first month for which Google Analytics 4 has a full month's worth of data). [This last part should be removed after May 2024 since it becomes irrelevant after that point.] These pageviews exclude those from logged in users of the wiki. For aggregate monthly pageviews as well as monthly pageviews of the top 100 pages across months, see [https://analytics.vipulnaik.com/top-pages.php?project_title=Timelines+wiki the Timelines wiki page on analytics.vipulnaik.com].(WARNING: This column may be wrong for some pages, sometimes by a lot. This is because the the numerator of the average (i.e. the total pageviews) uses a static 12 months whereas the denominator of the average (i.e. the number of months) uses the number of months since when work for the page was first paid. This means that if a page got a lot of views while it was still first being created (i.e. before the first payment for the page was made), it will seem to have more pageviews than it actually got. See [https://github.com/riceissa/timelines-wiki-main-page-table/blob/a9183c2460998bf1cb8aa1308c3c57e1052c427c/ga4_pageviews_fetch.py#L31-L42 here] for more information. This will be fixed in the future, hopefully.)
The "Monthly pageviews on Wikipedia" only applies to pages that were originally created on Wikipedia. Here the pageviews are calculated from at most 12 months of data (i.e. it is the last min{12, number of months since page creation} months worth of pageviews data) and is normalized to 30 days. Editors on Timelines Wiki have not edited the timelines on Wikipedia for payment since the creation of Timelines Wiki on March 12, 2017.