Timeline of Animal Ethics

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This is a timeline of FIXME.

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Year Event type Details Country
530 BCE Greek philosopher Pythagoras becomes the first person to publicly state that animals have souls and should be treated with respect. He believes that killing and eating animals was wrong because it would be like killing and eating another human being. He also believed that animals should be treated with compassion and respect.[1]
1992 Switzerland becomes the first country to amend its constitution to include animal rights, stating that animals have the right to be treated with consideration and protected from unwarranted harm.[2] Switzerland

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How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by FIXME.

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  1. Nedim, Sydney Criminal Lawyers-Ugur; Mcculloch, David (1 December 2022). "The History of Laws Against Cruelty to Animals". Lexology. Retrieved 7 July 2023. 
  2. "Swiss fact: Switzerland first country to consider dignity of animals in constitution". Le News. 5 October 2016. Retrieved 7 July 2023.