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| 1925–1930 || || Hospital-based plasma transfusions become common treatments for hemophiliacs.<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> ||
| 1925–1930 || || Hospital-based plasma transfusions become common treatments for hemophiliacs.<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> ||
| 1926 || || "In 1926 Finnish physician Erik von Willebrand published a paper describing what he called “pseudohemophilia,” a bleeding disorder affecting men and women equally. It was later named von Willebrand disease. "<ref name="HISTORY OF BLEEDING DISORDERS">{{cite web |title=HISTORY OF BLEEDING DISORDERS |url=https://hawaiinhf.org/bleeding-disorders/what-is-a-bleeding-disorder/history-of-bleeding-disorders.html |website=hawaiinhf.org |accessdate=22 October 2018}}</ref> ||
| 1930 || || Scientists learn how to separate blood into its major parts, plasma and red cells.<ref name="The History of Hemophilia">{{cite web |title=The History of Hemophilia |url=https://www.hog.org/handbook/article/1/3/the-history-of-hemophilia |website=hog.org |accessdate=22 October 2018}}</ref> ||
| 1930 || || Scientists learn how to separate blood into its major parts, plasma and red cells.<ref name="The History of Hemophilia">{{cite web |title=The History of Hemophilia |url=https://www.hog.org/handbook/article/1/3/the-history-of-hemophilia |website=hog.org |accessdate=22 October 2018}}</ref> ||
| 1937 || || " Then, in 1937, Patek and Taylor, two doctors at Harvard, found they could correct the clotting problem by adding a substance which came from the plasma in blood. This was called anti-hemophilic globulin."<ref name="History of hemophiliav"/> ||
| 1937 || || " Then, in 1937, Patek and Taylor, two doctors at Harvard, found they could correct the clotting problem by adding a substance which came from the plasma in blood. This was called anti-hemophilic globulin."<ref name="History of hemophiliav"/> ||
| 1944 || || "In 1944, Pavlosky, a doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina, did a lab test which showed that blood from one hemophiliac could correct the clotting problem in a second hemophiliac and vice-versa." || {{w|Argentina}}
| 1930s || || Snake venom is used to help blood clotting.<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> ||
| 1930s || || Snake venom is used to help blood clotting.<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> ||
| 1930s || || Doctors look at defective platelets as the likely cause of hemophilia.<ref name="History of hemophiliav"/> ||
| 1930s || || Doctors look at defective platelets as the likely cause of hemophilia.<ref name="History of hemophiliav"/> ||
| 1944 || || "In 1944, Pavlosky, a doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina, did a lab test which showed that blood from one hemophiliac could correct the clotting problem in a second hemophiliac and vice-versa." || {{w|Argentina}}
| 1947 || || "Argentinian physician, Alfredo Pavlovsky discovered there were two types of hemophilia (A and B) in 1947."<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> || {{w|Argentina}}
| 1947 || || "Argentinian physician, Alfredo Pavlovsky discovered there were two types of hemophilia (A and B) in 1947."<ref name="A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment"/> || {{w|Argentina}}

Revision as of 12:04, 22 October 2018

This is a timeline of hemophilia.

Big picture

Time period Development summary.
Ancient times Hemophilia is recognized, though not named.[1]
19th century While the history of hemophilia dates back to the 2nd century AD, a modern description of hemophilia appears only at the beginning of the 19th century.[2] Hemophilia figures prominently in the history of European royalty in the 19th and following century. Britain's Queen Victoria, through two of her five daughters (Princess Alice and Princess Beatrice), passes the mutation to various royal houses across the continent, including the royal families of Spain, Germany and Russia.[3]
20th century Until the early 1900s, there is no way to store blood for hemophiliacs so they are generally given a transfusion from a family member if they have suffered a trauma. At this point, the life expectancy for boys with hemophilia is around 13 years old. Some of the early treatments include lime, bone marrow, oxygen, thyroid gland, hydrogen peroxide or gelatin. In the 1930s, snake venom is used to help blood clotting. Hospital-based plasma transfusions are common treatments for hemophiliacs in the late 1920s and continue until the 1950s. The different factor deficiencies are distinguished in the 1950s and 1960s. By 1960, the life expectancy of a person with severe hemophilia rises to just under 20 years old. By the 1970s, freeze-dried powder formulas of factor VIII and IX become readily available, which means hemophiliacs are able to self-administer the factor in their own homes. In the 1980s, the rise of HIV and AIDS leads to many people with hemophilia dying of AIDS and becoming HIV positive through contaminated blood products. Hemophiliacs are also at a high risk of contracting hepatitis C until blood screening is introduced in 1992.[4] In the 1990s, modern treatment, using safer factor concentrates, again improves the outlook of hemophilia.[1]
21st century New recombinant factors not containing contain human or animal plasma are introduced in the early 2000s, lessening the chance of allergic reactions. Currently, researchers are working on ways of correcting the mutated gene using viruses as vehicles to deliver corrected factor IX genes.[4]

Full timeline

Year Event type Details Location
2nd century AD "The Talmud, a collection of Jewish Rabbinical writings from the 2nd century AD, stated that male babies did not have to be circumcised if two brothers had already died from the procedure."[1]
12th century "The Arab physician Albucasis, who lived in the 12th century, wrote of a family whose males died of bleeding after minor injuries."[1]
1803 Dr. John Conrad Otto from Philadelphia publishes a paper about a familial bleeding disorder that only affected male members.[4][1] United States
1828 "The word hemophilia first appears in a description of the condition written by Hopff at the University of Zurich in 1828." "The term hemophilia comes from a student of Zurich University, Friedrich Hopff and his professor, Dr. Schonlein, who came up with the term “haemorrhaphilia” which became “haemophilia” in 1828."[4][1]
1925–1930 Hospital-based plasma transfusions become common treatments for hemophiliacs.[4]
1926 "In 1926 Finnish physician Erik von Willebrand published a paper describing what he called “pseudohemophilia,” a bleeding disorder affecting men and women equally. It was later named von Willebrand disease. "[5]
1930 Scientists learn how to separate blood into its major parts, plasma and red cells.[6]
1937 " Then, in 1937, Patek and Taylor, two doctors at Harvard, found they could correct the clotting problem by adding a substance which came from the plasma in blood. This was called anti-hemophilic globulin."[1]
1930s Snake venom is used to help blood clotting.[4]
1930s Doctors look at defective platelets as the likely cause of hemophilia.[1]
1944 "In 1944, Pavlosky, a doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina, did a lab test which showed that blood from one hemophiliac could correct the clotting problem in a second hemophiliac and vice-versa." Argentina
1947 "Argentinian physician, Alfredo Pavlovsky discovered there were two types of hemophilia (A and B) in 1947."[4] Argentina
1952 "This led to the recognition in 1952 of hemophilia A and hemophilia B as two distinct diseases."[1]
1955–1965 Hemophiliacs are treated with whole blood or fresh plasma.[1]
1960 The life expectancy of a person with severe hemophilia rises to just under 20 years old.[4]
1964 An article published in Nature describes the clotting process in detail. The interaction of the different factors in blood clotting is named coagulation cascade.[1]
1965 Dr. Judith Graham Pool from Stanford University discovers a process of freezing and thawing plasma to get a layer of factor-rich plasma (cryoprecipitate).[6] Graham Pool discovers that the cryoprecipitate left from thawing plasma is high in factor VIII. This could be infused to control heavy bleeding allowing blood banks to produce and store large amounts for use in surgical procedures for hemophiliacs.[4] United States
1965–1975 Concentrates containing factor VIII and IX begin to be available.[1]
1960s The clotting factors are identified and named.[1]
1992 Blood screening is introduced. Prior to this, hemophiliacs were at a high risk of contracting hepatitis C and other diseases.[4]
1995 Prophylaxis starts being used as a preventive treatment for children.[4]
1990s The synthetic factor becaomes available and recombinant factors are approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.[4] United States

Meta information on the timeline

How the timeline was built

The initial version of the timeline was written by FIXME.

Funding information for this timeline is available.

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What the timeline is still missing

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See also

External links


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 "History of hemophilia". hemophilia.ca. Retrieved 22 October 2018. 
  2. Franchini, M; Mannucci, PM. "The history of hemophilia.". PMID 24911674. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1381232. 
  3. "Hemophilia: "The Royal Disease"". hemophiliaprince.com. Retrieved 22 October 2018. 
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 "A Brief History of Hemophilia Treatment". hemophilianewstoday.com. Retrieved 22 October 2018. 
  5. "HISTORY OF BLEEDING DISORDERS". hawaiinhf.org. Retrieved 22 October 2018. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 "The History of Hemophilia". hog.org. Retrieved 22 October 2018.