Timeline of endocrinology
From Timelines
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Big picture
Time period | Development summary | More details |
Full timeline
Year | Event type | Details | Location |
1914 | "biochemist Edward C. Kendall isolated thyroxine in crystalline form on Christmas Day, 1914."[1] | ||
1917 | Literature (journal) | "The first issue of the journal Endocrinology was published in 1917."[1] | |
1923 | "In 1923, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded jointly to Frederick Grant Banting and John James Rickard Macleod "for the discovery of insulin""[1] | ||
1925 | "James B. Collip (Society President, 1925-1926) isolated parathyroid hormone and with Leitch used in the treatment of tetany. Collip JB 1925 The extraction of a parathyroid hormone which will prevent or control parathyroid tetany and which regulates the level of blood calcium. Journal of Biological Chemistry 63 395–438."[1] | ||
1926 | " In 1926, Charles R. Harington successfully synthesized thyroxine"[1] | ||
1950 | " In 1950, Kendall was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine along with Mayo Clinic physician Philip S. Hench, and Swiss chemist Tadeus Reichstein, for their work with the hormones of the adrenal gland."[1] |
Meta information on the timeline
How the timeline was built
The initial version of the timeline was written by FIXME.
Funding information for this timeline is available.
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