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Timeline of NTT Docomo

82 bytes added, 15:04, 19 November 2019
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| 1992 onwards || {{w|NTT DOCOMO}} era, which is formally established taking over the mobile communications business of {{w|Nippon Telegraph and Telephone}} Corporation (“NTT Group”) as part of its corporate reorganization.<ref name="Careers at NTT DoCoMo">{{cite web |title=Careers at NTT DoCoMo |url= | |accessdate=12 November 2019}}</ref> In 1999, the company launches the world's first mobile Internet-services platform.<ref name="Overviewdd">{{cite web |title=Overview |url= | |accessdate=15 October 2019}}</ref>
| 2000s || {{w|NTT DOCOMO}} becomes the first cellular operator in the world to offer commercial {{w|3G}} services. By the late decade, the company reaches more than half of Japan's cellular market.
| 2010s || {{w|NTT DOCOMO}} introduces one of the earliest commercial LTE services.<ref name="Overviewdd"/>

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