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Timeline of infection control

9 bytes added, 08:39, 25 August 2020
no edit summary
** Sort the full timeline by "Event type" and look for the group of rows with value "{{w|Social distancing}}".
** You will see between parenthesis different methods, like "{{w|cordon sanitaire}}", and "{{w|quarantine}}", both very old practices.
* What are some events describing research on disinfection methods?** Sort the full timeline by "Event type" and look for the group of rows with value "Disinfection method research".* What are some other events describing infection preventionmethods?
** Sort the full timeline by "Event type" and look for the group of rows with value "Prevention".
** For events related to hand washing look for the group of rows with value "Prevention {{w|hand washing}}".
** For events related to face mask use look for the group of rows with value "Prevention ({{w|face mask}})".
* What are some events describing research on disinfection methods?
** Sort the full timeline by "Event type" and look for the group of rows with value "Disinfection method research".
* What are some historically significant applications of public measures aimed at preventing and controlling infection outbreaks?
** Sort the full timeline by "Event type" and look for the groups of rows with values "Contact tracing" and "Survaillance".

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